[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmUxMGYwYy5TMkZ6WVhKcElFeHBaWE50WVEsLC4w/dark-garden.regular.png[/img] Kasari's trip could be considered anything but comfortable. She had been taken away from her home and thrown into a carriage, certainly not designed with comfort in mind. At first she had struggled but her rage quickly dissipated to tears of despair, tears she shed silently out of spite for the Drakken; she would not allow them the satisfaction of her pain. The Gemminite gained control of her emotions before the carriage reached the mountain pass, forcing a blank stare into her features as two of the three Drakken men escorting her climbed into the carriage with her. The mountains were cold, each of their breaths escaping in little white puffs the closer they got to their destination. From what she had been told Drakken weren't very fond of the cold, having come from a desolate land scorched by the heat of the sun. This fact became clear as the Drakken men got more and more irritable, never complaining but visibly more tense and voices more sharp. Because she was a Gem of the fire element the cold didn't bother her in the slightest, her body temperature had always been a little higher but it had a way of shifting to keep her warmer in the colder months of the year. Unfortunately for her it was this lack of reaction to the environment that brought upon the "wrath" of her captors. Needless to say she would have bruising around her neck and biceps later on from their rough handling. Upon arriving at the place known as Shadow Worth Kasari found that the men inside were no gentler than her escorts, not that she had been expecting much else. She was brought to a room with many other girls like herself, taken from their homes with little to no warning to become the wives of the Drakken scum. The thought made her grind her teeth but she maintained her emotionless demeanor. Perhaps if she faked lifelessness they would throw her aside and send her home, little did she know it wouldn't work out in the least. Standing in front of so many strange men made her feel uncomfortable, much of her skin was visible due to her lack of preparation. Her outfit was in two pieces, mere cloth to cover her bust and some flowing skirts to allow for free range movement; Kasari was quite active at home. Even her shoes were thin enough that she could feel the rough ground beneath her feet. Amidst her discomfort, Kasari had spaced out, being taken completely by surprise when the guards gripped her tightly and brought her before a pair of Drakken; one female the other a blind male. Silently she wondered how such a creature could survive amongst such treacherous beasts, the thought that he had somehow managed to earn brides unnerved her. She kept her gaze forward but watched the blind Drakken's interactions with the Gem beside her. From what she gathered this girl's name was Raya and that she was Earth Gem with brothers... How this man knew such things escaped her, but then again it was very possible that the Drakken were given information about them to better intimidate the girls. Whatever it was, Kasari was not going to act so easily impressed. Released from the guards' grip, Kasari stood boldly in front of the man while shooting open looks at the Drakken woman with him. She kept her breath even, standing firmly in place even as the man drew creepily close to her. [color=ed1c24]"What makes you so sure that my elemental abilities are based in fire?"[/color] She tilted her head curiously, purposely not answering his question. Before she received any sort of reaction, Kasari felt a familiar presence snake his way around her right ankle. Without looking she knew that the beast wrapped around her leg was a desert lizard she had named Leo. She thought he was among the family members she would never see again, but it seemed as if the creature was much cleverer than anyone had given him credit for.