[b]Name/Nicknames:[/b][color=00aeef]" Angelica Morres. Angie ( An-gie) for short. "[/color] [color=ed1c24]" They Call me Hawk..." [/color] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Short, Black wavy hair. Baby blue eyes that portray innocence even when she shows none. Her usual outfit is a white tank,a black light vest. This she wears with either baby blue sweats or a skirt. Her shoes always being flats or gymshoes. Her only pair of flats are a dark red, pooled blood colored. [hider=My Hider][img]https://imaginationactivation.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/animegirlfacedarkhairedartwomen-e9e5afc603d188bd1da413169c95052d_h.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] - Advanced Hacking. - Mechanical engineering - Gathering Information - Lying ( A Good lair at that. ) - Hand-eye cordination [b]Sexual orientation:[/b] Heterosexual ( thought while online she is thought to be Bi.) [b]Personality:[/b] Hawk- desired nickname- is a brief sort of person. Not talking overly fast or slow, just in short sentences. Doing this always makes anything she say sound as if she was talking about a cute animal. Her voice never really faultering from its state. Unless she becomes overly excited, as it has only happened so little, Hawk's voice will waver or get higher pitched. Unless she needs information on something, which is something she enjoys doing, she will only talk to you if you have started the conversation. When she does start the conversation assume she wants something, and you should give it to her. Being online for so long toture isn't a new consept for her. Most emotions for her are bottled up due to being teased when she were to show them. This causes her to seem a bit paranoid until she finnaly just bursts. this could turn into her punching something to her randomly crying. Due to being a hacker by trade and on the computer for long periods of time; Her social skills when face to face may lack. Have a conversation online or over the phone she can be the most decietefull, seeming taking on a new skin so to say to fit the role. If addressed by her fake name she will act as that character. SHe only has one of these; Hawk, her hacker name. if addressed by her other nickname or name she will respond as if she wasn't Hawk. [b]Bio:[/b] [hider=My Hider] Angelica Morres was born to the wrong family. Her mother and father spending so much time with their own jobs to even spend time with Angie. Her father even went so far as buying her a robitic nanny. This nanny inefficient as it was took more time caring after her slightly older brother than her. She was always given a tablet or other device. By three she had cracked the safety mode. Finding e-books and other things more entertaining than the cartoon given. Her life was rather uneventful or it was eventful to her but nothing was awarded unless she had made a profit. , One day when her father was kidnapped, held for a hefty ransom then murdered. Since they found his body her mother fell into depression, this helping Angies tendency to learn new things. By ten she had learned to code well, knowing the internet like the back of her hand. Online gaming Started her reputation, many of the players referring to their spy like team mate as Hawk, a spin off her user of Hawktie. With no real parents to guide her away she had learned of everything she needed. One being how to survive on her own. Hacking into smaller side branches of the big companies ( Ones she noticed none of the big heads cared about.) she would blackmail them into giving her only what she needed. All of this being done under her online name Of Hawk Rekca. BY Fifteen she was getting more extensive. Her email being passed about in the underground market, as the best to 'find what you need'. Making a killing, Hawk tried something bigger. This ending in dispointment. Her Email being found by the cops. tracking it down to her location. They had questioned everyone in her family. Her Fake always cheery tune decieved the cops, they going on to falsely arrest her neighbor, who in turn had some ties in hacking. It fit so well. Taking the money she had procured she ran off from her home. Her email, changed, fell into the hands of the Bloody Embrace. It taking a while for them to find her. When offering the spot she glady took it. Hopping for a safer home than her current on the run state. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] [hider=Glasses] Hawk owns a pair of eye glasses, though they appear to the common person just to be glasses, to her, a certain phrase can activate their special abilities. The only one at the moment being a tag of a name and information on people in her sight. This is logged , a name for a face. She throughly asists that the glasses are for her eye sight. Since contacts feel like ' an extra layer that's unneeded' to her. So her special glasses were taken with her to the Embrance. [/hider] Hawk, her other persona so to speak, is thought to be another persoanlity by many, when really its just her other side.