Welcome to galaxy maker.
Here is our galaxy:
Humans are somewhere in it, so don't fret human lovers- this is a depiction of our own galaxy.
Here you write about interstellar civilizations around the galaxy and interact with other interstellar civilizations on much more massive timescales than your typical RP. Every page in this RP is one century of time, but individual posts can take place at any time within a century.
You do not need a app to play, just go in and start writing about civilizations around the galaxy.
However, for your first post you are allowed to go through the history of your kind up to the year set at the start of the page.
Follow a specific species or make plenty that live sad, pitiful existences. Writing lore and detail on these civilizations is done IC only. OOC is just meta discussion. No need for character sheets here- you write the developments of your faction/s as you post.
There's a few rules.
Rule one, don't god mod (or start with god-like entities).
Rule two, no fandom (so no jedis, okay?)
Rule three, my word is law.
Add-on policies:
-Magic is discouraged
-FTL exists, but is "slow" (it should take you one thousand years to cross the Galaxy).
Other than that, RP guild rules up to the casual level of role playing apply here. You can write on a more advanced level if you choose.
How to play? Just start posting in the IC. Start with the origin of your species/faction and describe them however you want in the IC if you need a place to begin. Further developments will depend on where in the galaxy you want to be relative to other players.
Tech levels can be anything from cave men to early interstellar at the start, but you can join in as a more advanced civilization as the RP goes forward. If you want to be cave men, go ahead. Be cave men.
Here is our galaxy:
Humans are somewhere in it, so don't fret human lovers- this is a depiction of our own galaxy.
Here you write about interstellar civilizations around the galaxy and interact with other interstellar civilizations on much more massive timescales than your typical RP. Every page in this RP is one century of time, but individual posts can take place at any time within a century.
You do not need a app to play, just go in and start writing about civilizations around the galaxy.
However, for your first post you are allowed to go through the history of your kind up to the year set at the start of the page.
Follow a specific species or make plenty that live sad, pitiful existences. Writing lore and detail on these civilizations is done IC only. OOC is just meta discussion. No need for character sheets here- you write the developments of your faction/s as you post.
There's a few rules.
Rule one, don't god mod (or start with god-like entities).
Rule two, no fandom (so no jedis, okay?)
Rule three, my word is law.
Add-on policies:
-Magic is discouraged
-FTL exists, but is "slow" (it should take you one thousand years to cross the Galaxy).
Other than that, RP guild rules up to the casual level of role playing apply here. You can write on a more advanced level if you choose.
How to play? Just start posting in the IC. Start with the origin of your species/faction and describe them however you want in the IC if you need a place to begin. Further developments will depend on where in the galaxy you want to be relative to other players.
Tech levels can be anything from cave men to early interstellar at the start, but you can join in as a more advanced civilization as the RP goes forward. If you want to be cave men, go ahead. Be cave men.