[quote=@oakman] True words, I know it is common courtesy to keep a constant pace when RPing, but whenever posting becomes more an obligation than something you would willingly do for fun, it stops being fun. The greatest writings tend to be produced at the oddest times really. Anyway, I liked that you added a bit of history to the world in Hector's bio. Helps add more depth not only to his character but also to the overall feel of this world we are recreating. Ok enough blabbering, back to my post haha. [/quote] I agree, thusly I do not rush anybody when it comes to posting...I have trust that whomever I am roleplaying with will respond when the inspiration strikes. Unless GM nerfs it I figured that a little pre-incident world building could not hurt; the thing to remember is we are not representing characters in a vacuum I like to think that the in game world existed before the roleplay started so therefore history exists...little things like the aforementioned adds flavor to the game.