"Alright, go check it out. Just remember to keep an eye out for any useful or valuable materials and record them, this is an unexplored sector." Those were the last words from Jorgey's Fleet Commander before he powered up his FTL drive and started his first FTL jump towards the supposed ship. Jorgey didn't really think that it was a ship, with a beacon so far away pointing towards it it seemed more like a trap. In his Stinger, the [i]CN Night[/i], he would make 3 FTL jumps to get to the beacon, each taking about 4 minutes with about 3 hours between each jump. He listened to the surprisingly soothing sound of the FTL Drive and drifted asleep. Jorgey awoke about 17 minutes before the final jump. The CN Pilot schedule left little time for sleep, so he took advantage every chance he got. He started getting his data pad ready to record his findings as the final FTL jump started. Also on board the [i]Night[/i] was Nia, the communications officer, Kalo, the Weapons officer, and Brick, the engineer. Jorgey and Brick were the only ones awake for the jumps. The rumble of the FTL Drive slowly shut off as they came to the edge of the system they were supposed to be at. Jorgey started up his interplanetary thrusters and took a look around, but it didn't take him long to find the secret of this system. Before he even got to take an in depth look for resources he saw the ship. A strange ship it was, Not giant but considerably bigger than themselves. Jorgey woke up Nia and Kalo. "You guys ever seen anything like this?" They both shook their heads. "Kalo, see if you can figure out what kind of weapons they got, looks like nothing I've ever seen." Both Kalo and Nia took their seats beside Jorgey. "Should I open a channel with the FC?" Nia asked. "No, not yet. Remember, we came to this ship because it sent out a distress beacon." Jorgey started moving closer towards the strange ship. It was truly something else, the FTC came across new species every other Monday, but this - "Hey boss, you might not want to do that," Kalo looked very frightened at what he was seeing, "Whatever weapons it has, it's loading them. We should get far away... Now." Jorgey went full throttle backwards. Kalo put their shields up for extra measure, and good that he did because the shield got hot quickly before moving out of range. "What the hell was that?!" Nia screamed. "There was nothing there but our shields were getting fried? That's not how it works!" Kalo got out of his chair and started thumbing through his 'encyclopedia of weapons' that he's been working on for a while now. "Whatever it is, I've never seen it before and I don't think anyone else has either." He was furiously typing up notes on various pages trying to even scratch the surface of what was going on. "Woah, this outer planet..." Jorgey was circling the outer orbit until he found the planet. "No way..." Jorgey was dumbfounded. He had never seen a planet of such magnitude. Absolutely perfect for life. On closer inspection it had insane amounts of resources, all of them. "Nia, I think it's time for that channel now. Tell them we got a new, dangerous species with a hell of a planet." Representative Karlson Faroh was excited. Namely because he was voted to go on his first Rep. Assignment. That's saying something because Rep. Assignments do not come up often, usually because they were reserved either for meetings with other races or findings of a grand scale, which didn't happen as often as you'd think in a space as large as this galaxy. This Assignment was about the ladder he was told. He was told that some pilot and his crew were investigating a distress beacon in an unknown sector. Apparently there was a new race, but it had only one ship and some large station at the edge of the system. He wasn't concerned about those. He had his eye on the planet. Occasionally you find an asteroid with a crap ton of gold or iron, but that was it. Never since their own home planet had he seen a planet this rich, the entire planet suitable for anything you could think of! He could see so many opportunities here, they were hard to count. He was on his journey now, in his Royal Cruiser, the [i]Empress[/i], and 2 Transports behind him with enough materials to start a decent Trade Post. He didn't know if it would get much traffic, not knowing the area well, but it was worth a shot, and the resources could always be shipped out if the area is not good. He left the ship on autopilot with the destination selected and walked over to open a channel with the pilot. When the video started he saw a scruffy looking guy maybe in his early 50's. "Hello Representative, I am Captain Jorgey of the [i]CN Night[/i]." Karlson was still getting used to the respect everyone gave him, even though he'd been in office for 3 year now. "Hello Captain. I understand you've encountered quite an amazing planet." "Yes sir, we have. Amazing is almost an understatement, sir." Ugh sir this, sir that. It was not amusing to Karlson. "It is quite large and seems to have a weak gravity pull, especially for it's size." Well, everything has it's flaws. A less dense planet means less dense ores means less ores. Still, he shouldn't gripe. It was, after all, a damn good planet. "Very good Captain Jorgey. My ETA is 5 hours 46 minutes." "See you then, Representative." The Channel shut off. Karlson sighed and got up, walking towards his bedroom. Might as well make use of this flying house while he can. He laid down and dreamed of the riches this find would bring.