[center][color=pink][h3]Amaryllis[/h3][/color][/center] Ama, having said and done her piece, was now looking at the window on the far side of the room with a blank expression. How she wished she could simply escape from here. It was obvious that both her sister bride and new husband would annoy the hell of out her. She nearly jumped when she heard something fall and looked to see Miry pulling away from Zakroti, blushing furiously. Had... he done something to her? Ama's sight blurred for a moment as anger rose within her. What was he doing to such a small girl! She didn't have the power to resist him physically or mentally! She was like... 12 years old and he was nearly twice her size! Ama closed her eyes, trying to forget about it. Her mother always told her that her temper would get the better of her. She needed to mind her own business and just do what she'd planned. She probably wouldn't know the girl very long anyway before she died. A small smile appeared on Ama's face at the thought of darkness enveloping her. At least then she wouldn't have to deal with all of this. At least then she would have some peace. But, she'd already had these thoughts. It was time she moved on. [b]"It looks much better now, doesn't it? Perhaps I should ask you to clean the floors of my estate too, my... Servants would be glad of an extra pair of hands to bear the load." [/b] The brute told her. [b]"You should really watch yourself, Amaryllis. I trust you do wish to return home one day and you are doing a remarkable job of convincing me not to let you go."[/b] Ama's stomach jerked as she chuckled, a bright smile held on her face. Return home? She had no hope of ever returning there. She knew the stories. Once they outlived their usefulness, the brides were often killed and very few were ever sent home. Besides, even if he did let her go home, she wouldn't want to succumb to him just for that. She'd rather die than bare this man's children much less bed him. She looked back at the other wall once more, staring at a painting of a cliff over the ocean. If only she could escape somewhere like there. Somewhere without Drakkens or Gems or... anyone. She could just be Amaryllis and live her life in peace. She felt the soft cloth hit the back of her head and looked over to see Zakroti smiling at her. [b]"Sorry about that. It just slipped."[/b] He repeated to her with an amused smile on his face, raising the glass as if in toast before finishing the contents. [b]"A very slippery cloth it seems."[/b] [color=pink]"Slippery, indeed, Your Grace."[/color] She returned, her expression blank once again. She would have been angry had she just... not cared. He could dump the contents of a garbage bin over her head and she wouldn't care. It was odd really, the sort of things she'd get angry about. [b]"Now, are we done with the antics for the evening or do you have more entertainment planned for me? I must say you have done very well in making what I feared would be a boring trip rather amusing. Perhaps I will pay more mind to the pair of you than I planned after all."[/b] He told them, continuing. She was going to say something in return but he raised his head and spoke again before she could get it out, [b]"Come on. Onwards to the feast with some haste. Don't want to miss the spectacle."[/b] [color=pink][i]Right...[/i][/color] She thought sourly as she followed him. She'd have to find a quiet corner to sit in until the end of the evening. Some wall that maybe she could blend into a disappear forever. [hr] [color=gold][center][h3]Araxie[/h3][/center][/color] Ara waited as she watched what happened between Tirza and Praeth. She watched as he moved towards her, doing something she couldn't see. When he returned to his former position, he addressed Ara and Nadia as well. [b]"Ah, just to make sure we're all on the same page, there will be a banquet with all the other nobles and brides. I expect all of you to behave at your utmost and be cautious of what you say. Drakken in general may be savages, but the nobles are fairly skilled in trickery, it is something I can barely keep a grasp on myself, thus, neutrality and caution is among the best policies."[/b] A banquet? So, ne-neutrality? and caution? She wasn't sure she understood what he said but she figured that if she stuck around him, she couldn't get into too much trouble. Besides, she wasn't one for crowds. She would just feel... small. She watched with the same curiosity she'd had with Nadia when he asked to see Tirza's powers but her face fell as it happened. She didn't even... see anything. Was that really the girl's powers? But... what was it? She felt like she'd been sorely left out of the loop and felt a strong dislike for this Tirza woman growing inside of her. She didn't exactly know why, but she irritated her. [b]"Play all you like, but I assure you, it will not take more than 4 hours before things become unbearable for ones who are trained, it will become torturous throughout the night. I would watch your demeanor carefully for this coming event~"[/b] Praeth spoke once again. Wait... had Tirza not shown her powers? Things would become unbearable? Ara's eyes widen for a moment. She... didn't much like pain but she also felt she probably deserved it. It was her own fault for being so terrible... She watched with a sudden sadness in her eyes as Praeth once again pulled on his cloak and mask. She nodded as he basically told them to stick close to him. She hadn't really planned on leaving his side anyway. Ara jumped slightly at the sudden tingling feeling she felt at her wrist and looked down to see a mark slowly form there, a dragon. She looked up from looking at her wrist as Praeth explained, [b]"It's a technique of the far East aptly named the 'Water Tattoo', it involves staining the skin with water and is practically impossible to remove without removing skin itself. That is your 'mark', flaunt it or hide it, that announces that you all are mine."[/b] A small smile grew on her lips. Was that... pride she felt? Good... It was almost as if with the mark he'd given her, everything had been solidified. She was someone important now. She meant something. She followed along behind Praeth silently, not wanting to upset him. She listened with mild curiosity as Nadia asked him if she could stay with him. Wait... Did she need to ask permission as well? [color=gold]"S-Sir... I was hoping to stay with you as well."[/color] She spoke up.