[hider=Verissa Beatrix Greenlakes aka Trix][img]http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll173/tylerawhirtley/Trix2_zpsvxj9h7qc.jpg[/img]

[b]Name:[/b] Verissa Beatrix Greenlakes aka Trix

[b]Race:[/b] Human

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Age:[/b] 20

[b]Birthday:[/b] 36th day of Saffra, 280 DM

[b]Birthplace:[/b] Ebonfort

[b]Resides in:[/b] Kerawac, with the Thunderfang Tribe

[b]Occupation:[/b] Slave, 0/GP day, expenses paid for by Asher

[b]Appearance:[/b] Trix isn't considered classically beautiful, even by Ebonfort standards. She stands at 5'2" and is a bit thin, though not unhealthily so. Her head is adorned by long bundles of blonde locks. She can usually be found in a long, flowing skirt, or dress, depending on the weather as well as thick boots for trudging through her muddy farm. 

Trix is a very kind person, treating anyone she meets with open arms and a friendly smile. She always goes out of her way to help people whenever she can. While she does believe in the justice system that Ebonfort and the Ebon Knights dispense, she dislikes violence. 

[b]History:[/b] Trix was raised in Ebonfort by her father, a doctor, Geralt, and her mother, Yennefer, a seamstress. They lived in the city proper, and were fairly well off, for her mother catered to the people rich and influential enough to live in the city, and her father worked exclusively for the Ebon Knights. They both taught their skills to their only daughter, but she took to her father's teachings more readily. When she came of age, instead of being married off, her father arranged for her to receive a loan from Ebonfort in order to open an herbalism shop in one of the outlying villages.

Eventually, Ruby Banks was chosen, and once the building was completed she moved right in and was readily accepted into the community. Since then, she's led a fairly simple life, minding her shop, getting to know the locals, and healing who she could. It was during this time, while she was mending an unconscious man's broken leg, that she found a lavender glowing coming from her hands, that seemed to "stick" to whatever she touched her hands to. 

She'd heard the rumors of magic, and quickly feared persecution, either by the locals or the Ebon Knights, and kept her magic hidden. She's been practicing it in secret, slowly but surely finding a few practical uses for what she dubs as Shielding.

Herbalism - 68 - (30 SP, 20 RP, 18 XP)
Medicine - 41 - (20 SP, 21 XP)


Shielding - 23 - (10 SP, 13 XP)
Gardening - 20 - (20 SP)
Sewing - 13 - (10 SP, 3 XP)
Stealth - 1 - (1 XP)
Nodeology - 3 - (3 XP)
Teaching - 5 - (5 XP)
Animal Husbandry - 10 - (10 XP)
Socialization - 19 - (19 XP)
Leadership - 5 - (5 XP)
Observation - 11 - (11 XP)
Endurance - 3 - (3 XP)
Intimidation - 8 - (8 XP)
Negotiation - 3 - (3 XP)
Riding (Horse) - 4 - (4 XP)
Flirting - 1 - (1 XP)
Drinking - 2 - (2 XP)
Running - 1 - (1 XP)
Begging - 3 - (3 XP)
Persuasion - 2 - (2 XP)
Cooking - 6 - (6 XP)
Writing - 1 - (1 XP)
Mathematics - 1 - (1 XP)
Land Navigation - 1 - (1 XP)
Wilderness Survival - 1 - (1 XP)
Running - 1 - (1 XP)
Weapon (Bo Staff) - 2 - (2 XP)
Philosophy - 1 - (1 XP)
Subterfuge - 1 - (1 XP)

Dwarves are not trustworthy
Animal Husbandry: Mountain Ridgebacks are good guard dogs
Animal Husbandry: Consistency in commands and rewards is key when training
Animal Husbandry: Must reinforce instinctive growling
Contact: Rilana Aurorime'
Rilana: From Frigmount
Rilana: Her people are immune to the cold
Rilana: Animal trainer
Rilana: Friends with a gryphon
Gryphons can be befriended
Desire: To travel freely
Magic: Shields can be broken
Magic: Summoning a shield quickly
Magic: Portals are Real
Healing: No One Should Die Alone
Healing: Triage, the Healer's Curse
Healing: How to use a Tourniquet
Healing: Being strong enough to cry later
Recognized as a competant healer by Lord Knight Svarak
Knowledge: Beast: Bandersnatch
Knowledge: Magic: Songweaving
Suspicion: Magic is as varied as the people who practice it
Contact: Alya Eloen and her wolf Echo
Contact: Gregory Whitehorn, the gargoyle with broken Common.
Contact: Lieutenant Ebon Knight Vegarra, patient.
Gargoyles: Too big to fit in my house
Contact: Asher
Asher: Is her master
Asher: Is a Swordsmaster
Asher: Is stronger than a Sergeant
Contact: Shenzi
Shenzi: Is a healer and teacher
Knowledge: Ozlo is a Warlord
Knowledge: There are more healer students under Shenzi
Knowledge: She will not be a slave anymore if she bears a Screamer child or is married to a Screamer.
Language: Knows how to say 'Thank you' in 'Screamerish'
Herbalism: Plantain is a substitute for Elderberries
Herbalism: Plantain is common in grassland
Herbalism: Elderberries are not common in grassland
Knowledge: Healing Magic
Knowledge: Magical Tattoos
Knowledge: Knowing what souls look like
Location: Fat Barrel Inn
Location: Azure Banks
Contact: Captain Therin
Contact: Strawberry the half-drow traveler 

Quantity | Item | Acquired | Value
1 | Artisan's Outfit, Herbalist's | Starting | 10gp
1 | Peasant's Outfit | Starting | 1gp
1 | Flora Medicina Tessanis* | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86317-a-sky-torn-asunder-ebonfort/ic]RP Reward[/url] | Invaluable
1 | Herbalist's Toolkit | Remainder of Destroyed Shop and Home | No Set Price

*Flora Medicina Tessanis by Scriveriartas, an exhaustive botany text given to her as a gift from the woman who lost her arm but ultimately lived. This tome will take at least two months to read, but once completed will earn the reader a +5 in either Herbalism or Medicine and a +5 in Botany. Further details about the history of this book can be learned during co-GM RP.

1 Male Mountain Ridgeback, Remus
1 Female Mountain Ridgeback, Remilia
*Both Ridgebacks will be adult age around Saffra, 302 DM

Cost | Item | Subtotal
+100gp | Starting Money | 100gp, 0sp, 0cp
-70gp | 2 Mountain Ridgebacks | 30gp, 0sp, 0cp
+633gp, 9 sp | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3108050]Mauven Pay Day[/url] | 663gp, 9sp
-135 GP, 3 SP, 1 CP | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3199892]RP Purchase[/url] | 528gp, 5sp, 9 cp
+633 GP, 9 SP | [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3237618]Ceruleo 300 DM Pay Day[/url] | 1162 GP, 4 SP, 9 CP

[b]Story List:[/b]
33 Mauven, 300 DM - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86787-a-frumious-attraction-ebonfort/ic]A Frumious Attraction[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3039160]Alya Eloen[/url] - Completed
30 Mauven, 300 DM - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3038044]How Much is that Doggie in the Window?[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3012336]Rilana Aurorime[/url] - Completed
25 Mauven, 300 DM - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86317-a-sky-torn-asunder-ebonfort/ic#post-3012374]A Sky Torn Asunder[/url] - Lots - Completed
12 Mauven, 300 DM - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86162-a-knife-in-the-dark-ebonfort/ic]A Knife in the Dark[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2933650]Galawynd Elsinal[/url] - Abandoned
25 Crimsia, 300 DM - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86295-an-early-morning-disturbance-ebonfort/ic]An Early Morning Disturbance[/url] - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2924501]Gregory Whitehorn[/url] - Completed[/hider]