"We have had nobody sent that far out, and all ships meant to be in that sector have been accounted for, meaning it could only be an unknown race. Certainly we do not have the technology to send a signal that far." Jennifer ran her hand through her hair in an attempt to straighten it a little. She had been roused from slumber in order to answer a priority transmission from the command unit in the system. "And you're sending me." She says, sounding more of a statement rather than a question. The reply she got was a nod from the man who's face dominated the main screen. Around Jennifer, the staff on the bridge were attempting to look busy, however she knew that a number of them were most likely listening into the conversation. She would brief the senior staff in the time it takes in the jump from this system to the next system on the five jumps toward the mystery system. "Good luck on this mission. May you be safe on your mission." He says, before vanishing from the screen, being replaced by a status display on various ship systems. Jennifer stands still, studying the display for a moment, before sitting in the command chair. "Navigation, plot us a course to-" Jennifer pinged the location of the signal to the navigation officer. "There. Take the fastest route, the least FTL jumps, please. Communications, send a log to the nearest station." She sat back, and watched the officers as they jumped to their duties, and prepared the ship for the journey. "Coms, ship broadcast." Jennifer orders. The officer gave her a thumbs up. "Crew of [i]Lightbringer[/i], we are en-route to a system which we have not explored. It is suspected that there is an alien race with some sort of broadcasting technology there, as we have received a signal from the system. That is all." Jennifer did a cutting motion to the communications officer, who cut the broadcast. "I don't know how you do it, ma'am." The man says. "You're always so calm while broadcasting something. I always have to compose myself beforehand." Jennifer giggles a little, and gives a small smile to the man. "I have no idea how I do it either." She stands. "Tactical, you have the bridge." She says. The tactical officer nods. "Aye ma'am. I relieve you." "I stand relieved." After a shower and a very long, undisturbed sleep, Jennifer spent time doing paperwork. It wasn't something she liked, but it had to be done. Another eternity passed, and finally, she heard the tone of the broadcast system, before the communications officer spoke. "Captain is required on the bridge, repeat, captain to the bridge." Jennifer felt relieved that there was something to do other than paperwork, and she stood, taking a walk to the bridge. The walk was little under a minute; the captain's quarters was close to the bridge in case the captain was needed in an emergency. The ship's XO was in the secondary bridge, deeper in the ship, in case the first bridge was damaged. "Report," Jennifer asks, as she takes her seat. "Ma'am, we are two minutes away from the beacon's system." The tactical officer says. He moves an empty map onto the main screen of the bridge. As soon as they entered the system, the map would fill, based on sensor reports. And that it did. As they entered the system, the map filled up with reports. There were two ships in the system, as well as a station, as both the tactical officer and the display showed her. "My, what a planet that is." Jennifer mumbles. Her eyes then turned to the signatures of the two ships. The [i]Lightbringer[/i] was clearly larger than one of the two ships, however the other one seemed to be a good size. "Launch a pair of drone squadrons, four per, and send them to both of those ships, broadcasting peace." The Zenohunt orders. "Navigation, take us closer to the ships, behind the drones." Just as she had ordered, two flights of drones flew to both of the ships, Flight one heading to the smaller ship, flight two heading to the larger, with [i]Lightbringer[/i] behind flight two. "I want an analysis on the ships' weapons, if they are obvious. Coms, have we picked up a response to the peace signal?" "No ma'am, no signal-" Suddenly, the communications officer was interrupted by a burst from the tactical officer. "We have missile launch! Four times missiles headed for the drones!" The display showed four blue dots, the drones, and four red dots, the missiles. As one of the red dots disappeared, a burst of red dots appeared on the screen, and two of the drones exploded. "That's not good. Bring weapons online! Hit them before they hit us! Full reverse!" All of her orders were received, and [i]Lightbringer[/i] began to reverse away from the new threat. One more drone exploded, and the last one turned tail to fly back to the carrier. The weapons of the carrier managed to remove the last two missiles from the fray. "Missiles neutralized. Threats neutralized." Tactical said. As if to prove him wrong that there were no more threats, the remaining drone vanished from the display's map. At the same time, there was a small puff of white in space as the drone exploded. "Report. What happened to the drone?" Jennifer asks, looking to the display. There was a general murmur through the bridge, which quietened down as the tactical officer spoke. "The drone sent in a damage report of a major heat buildup, though the heat built up way to fast for the drone to have overheated. Those things are built to survive a little overheat." Jennifer shook her head. Why the drone had exploded was a mystery. "Turn us to the other ship, and take it closer to it. But stay out of range of the large ship." There was no way to identify the larger ship by class. It was one ship. For all she knew, it could be a mere [i]corvette[/i] to whoever owned it. "And continue broadcasting peace over all frequencies."