[centre][h3][color=red]Atallia Faeron[/color][/h3][/centre] Almost as soon as she felt the air in her lungs withdrawing, the ceremonial knife dropped from her hands as she clutched at her throat. Her fingers grasped, digging into her pale skin as she urged her lungs to gulp down at least [i]some[/i] air. Finally, the man who was meant to be her future husband liberated their lungs and allowed them to breath again. Inhaling a deep, much-needed gulp of air, Talli stepped back and found herself pressed against a massive Drakken. When she looked up, he extended a dark grin down at her before shoving her back into the frey. As she turned to look at the other girl being stripped, she suddenly felt arms grabbing her and lifting her above the ground before lowering her down so her back was exposed to the knife-wielding psychopath. Talli didn't have enough time to turn her head around to her comrade before the screams begun and she visibly cringed away, knowing full well that the same fate awaited her as the back of her dress was tore open. Worrying about her own fate was the last thing on her mind as she had to sit through the sheer terror of the other Gem. Although she barely even knew this girl, she knew that she didn't deserve to go through something like that. Letting her eyes shut, she tried to force her mind to blank but as the adrenaline suddenly kicked in, she found herself having to sit through every single horrid moment of the girl's torture. Finally, the girl quieted to a muffled groan of agony and Talli knew that she was presumably up next. Her mental preparations were no match to the sheer amount of pain that shot up through her back, burning its way through every nerve in her body. She screamed as soon as the tip of the knife cut down into her soft skin and didn't stop screaming until the Drakken above her withdrew the knife. The entire time, her body thrashed, trying to escape from the cursed torture this vile creature was inflicting on her. That only deepened his cuts, drawing even deeper screams that undoubtedly pleased the bastard amicably. Finally, her drew the knife away from her and it was then that the adrenaline dissipated and Talli found herself able to retreat to that secure stronghold in the back of her mind. The dull thump of the knife beside her nor the warm drips of blood down her back registered with her as she was quickly dragged to her feet and her last few shreds of dignity where tore off. Her hair, which had previously been pinned up, had dislodged and now hung down around her face as a distant part of her felt her husband-to-be tighten a collar around her neck. The fire inside her urged her to lash out with something foul or at least curse the bastard but most of the words were lost in her throat. His punch did little to her already detracted form as she simply missed a breath. Beside her, Talli could hear her companion condemning the Drakken then unleashing a wisp of flame upon him. Subtly, her head raised as she watched the sudden blast of flames, a dance of pure, elemental power that awoke the unbroken wisps of rebellion inside of her. The gold in her eyes burned away to a red-hot flame as her features were replaced by that of a cold frown. Her lips moved but she didn't seem to be able to issue up the power to speak her mind until finally, she raised her chin and defiantly eyed him. Although her voice was small and weak compared to the other Gem, she didn't waste words. [color=red]"I will kill you."[/color] She promised as her pale skin began to heat uncontrollably. The guards didn't even have time to remove their unprotected hands before her skin erupted into a blaze that covered her entire body. It barely even lasted a second as it dissipated and she returned to normal. Whatever power she had summoned to use the magic was clearly a bit too much for her as she collapsed forward, her structure no longer supported by the powerful Drakken guards. Falling to her knees then flat onto her stomach, it was clear that Talli was out for the count. Strangely, the cuts on her back had sealed over with the intended scar now residing where there was just a bloody mess before. Her dragon was exposed as well, its sharpened maw raised skyward in silent defiance as she curled in on herself subconsciously, seeking warmth and protection. [hr] [centre][h3][color=gold]Prince Rynek Darion[/color][/h3][/centre] [i][color=lightgray]“Liena Orhhneaht, if it please you my lord... And your senses are sharp, for I am a daughter of Naia.”[/color][/i] Rynek liked this one very much. Admittedly, he wasn't an overly big fan of the yelping ones that could barely even control their rivers of tears. No, Gems who knew their purpose, who knew that resistance was pointless, they suited him amicably. Just at that, he felt the gentle touch of her nimble fingers settling across his broader ones. In a simple manoeuvre, she danced out of his arms and turned, willingly pressing herself against him before meeting his eyes with a grin hovering across her features. Whoever this little water Gem was, she certainly knew how to captivate. [i][color=lightgray]“And by what name may I have the pleasure of calling you?"[/color][/i] The lower half of his face which was exposed to her suddenly lightened to a placid grin. She was crafty, his little Gem. [color=gold]"Ah my dear, we wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, would we? I have appearances to keep up and if people thought that I suddenly show all my cards when a beautiful maiden bats her eyelashes at me, it wouldn't be long before they begin to exploit it."[/color] In a single movement, his surprisingly gentle hands captured hers and held her tight. Still holding her gaze, he regarded her momentarily as he cocked his head to the side. His eyes themselves stood as a dark contrast to the gentleness of his hands. His eyes could never lie and in them, the young Gem would undoubtedly find the lust, anger and sheer, unbroken power that made up the Prince of Drakka. Although all his other features hid it well, his eyes told her that he wasn't exactly lying when he had said that he would have taken her there and then. Breaking the contact between them, he looked up to watch the nobles and their new wives sauntering from the ballroom and into an adjoining room. Feast, did they say? Delightful! Chopping off body parts usually made him hungry and tonight was no exception. Letting a gleeful smile grace his lips, he released his new bride from his grip. [color=gold]"Stay close, little one! These bastards are greedy fuckers that would steal your grave if you gave them the chance! Stay with Yax and Vax; if they're not too busy comprehending the universe then they'll keep you safe."[/color] Both of them gave him a blank look which he responded to with a thumbs-up. As they turned and walked in the direction the others were walking in, they eventually stumbled upon the mangled body that he had spotted earlier. Good ol' no-eyes was at it again, eh? [color=gold]"Yax, did I not tell these idiots that although the Scream Taker was a crazier bastard than no-eyes, no-eyes was still dangerous? I didn't? Huh... Guess I'll just need to shout it louder next time!"[/color] Grinning, he regarded the bloody body at his feet before unceremoniously planting a kick in its side. [color=gold]"Sorry ol' chap! Better luck next time! You had it coming though; I thought I clearly said that I wanted to fuck her?"[/color] Shrugging, the cloaked man looked to his bodyguards who returned the same blank looks before he continued on, hopping over the dead man's body with considerable effort. When they approached the room, he took note of a higher up looking guard standing in between the two guards already present. He seemed to be looking for someone. He appeared to be the commander of the fort and by his best guess, the cloaked man predicted that he was looking for them after hearing a story about some bandits making off with one of his poor guard's hands. This was a wonderful opportunity for him - his family had always been particularly vexed over said commander as he seemed to have a mind of his own and took his own personal cut from the border taxes imposed on traders passing through the mountains. He was a problem that had to be dealt with and Rynek had a wonderful solution. Turning, he eyed the young Gem trailing behind them before drawing her off to the side. [color=Gold]"My dear, I believe it is time that you show me what you're truly capable of. Some of my brothers choose to impose their will on their little brides but I prefer to offer them a choice; to let them shine so beautifully. So here is my choice."[/color] He whispered as he flicked his cloak open before withdrawing a mean looking dagger and pressing it into her hands. [color=gold]"Your people hate violence but it is a necessity. Violence offers you a choice, my love. A choice between suffering a cold and terrible fate... or grabbing fate by the balls and telling him to fuck off. Oh, and the armpit is usually the best place."[/color] Stepping away from her, he turned and rejoined his guards before approaching the entrance. [b]"If you want in, you're gonna have to leave your dogs outside."[/b] The commander spat as soon as he saw the cloaked individual. Frowning, the hooded man turned and inspected his two men before turning back to the older Drakken. It was fairly obvious what he intended - divide and conquer. Sighing, the cloaked individual raised his hand to his face and gently massaged his temples. [color=gold]"I will admit, they're stupider than dogs, but I've never seen a dog split a grown Drakken in two with a single cleave before."[/color] Extending a bored sigh towards the commander, he shook his head again. [color=gold]"But if you insist, I suppose we must be on our way. Don't want my prized pooches to freeze out in the cold, after all! Here, take your slut back."[/color] With that, he grasped Liena's arm roughly and shoved her towards the armoured man. The commander caught her with ease before drawing her off to the side, his eyes still clinging to the three rough looking men. Technically, the Gem was his now and he wasn't about to waste it. [b]"On with ya then! And don't let me see you around here again!"[/b] Although he was focused on them, his hand had already found its way to her ample behind which he squeezed rather painfully. Unlike her previous owner, his touch was in no way pleasant. [color=gold]"Don't you worry, Commander. I'm sure we'll meet again. Fate works in odd ways, after all."[/color]