[hr][h3][color=00667c]Praeth[/color][/h3] [color=pink]Tirza[/color] [color=ed145b]Nadia[/color] [color=gold]Araxie[/color] [hr] [hider=Song!][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKPhGHAdqk0[/youtube][/hider] [i]Classical piano sonatas and somber ballads echoed through the mansion's empty halls. The expansive and intricate structure that had once been lively and grand, took on the appearance of decrepit and hollowed shell. The vacant and musty rooms- the arenaceous surfaces of the walls, the floors covered in a chalky film, the untouched yet dusty, the lifeless corridors and abandoned overgrown gardens. The bleak features of the extensive house were only accentuated by the bitter rain that pattered off the ornate roof. The exquisite ring of piano keys resonated with the rain, and coupled with the downtrodden mansion, it took on a haunting and surreal splendor. The road entrance leading up to the circular carriage-way was composed of the Falkasius insignia, but the sign had been cracked and scattered about, as if in disdain. The homely and worn 'Welcome' mat had been cast aside without any sentimental value to the compound's new inhabitant. The state in which the estate had fallen in within a mere few weeks was but a mere ode to the vast workforce that had once been tasked with the estate's upkeep. The Falkasius estate was truly placed in a prime location, its prior builders were careful not to mar the breathtaking beauty of nature. Within the vast mansion, was a comparably vast ballroom, 3 story tall windows were perched along the wall, overlooking the vista that was home to a clear lake. Upon the unkempt performance stage of the ballroom sat a piano alone in the center. It was illuminated by the grey, cloudy sunlight that peaked through the impressive windows. Hunched over the piano was a lone man. If one were to look at him from far away, his build would almost seem normal, but he loomed over the piano with an imposing size difference. The man played the piano with surprisingly nimble movements, but he suddenly stopped, his head swiveling to the side where he stared at the top of the piano. A young Drakken woman, no older than he, lounged upon the piano as if it were a couch. Her appearance was exclusive to the man alone, her weightless movements taking on a dream-like quality. [color=00667c]"I learned this amidst the northern nobility. This instrument specifically resonates exquisitely with the rain, was it, perhaps, to your liking?"[/color]The drakken man spoke to his nameless counterpart with an air of subtlety. [color=662d91]"Why does it have to be so grim, brother? Why can it not be a ravishing waltz or gleeful ode?"[/color] [color=00667c]"Do not blame me for such a tone. What is a morning horizon without a sun? My life has only reached its beginning yet I am without family or friend. I will tell you, that horizon is a somber blue, it is humbling and mournful."[/color] [color=662d91]"Blue horizons are that of a sky that has yet to await its graceful sun. The time of your happiness has not yet passed, brother.”[/color] [color=00667c]”Why is it, sister, that you attempt to comfort me despite the fact that I had betrayed your trust?”[/color] [color=662d91]”The only one that thinks of the notion of betrayal is you. I blame you for nothing.”[/color] [color=00667c]”I see, so instead of resent, I receive your pity. I cannot decide which of the two is more humiliating; the hatred of loved ones, or the pity of the dead.”[/color] [color=662d91]”Brother, do not request water then think it poison. It is impossible to hold conversation with such persistent whining. Perhaps you merely must shake away your pit of self-pity.”[/color] [color=00667c]”It is not as if you have an-”[/color] The man began to retort bitterly but the phantom before him turned her eyes towards the open doors to the halls where the man’s attendant stood. With a giggle the woman spoke. [color=662d91]”I suppose he has become impatient with your incessant speech towards nothing. He was kind enough to listen up until now.”[/color] The man opened his mouth in indignation but closed it as the phantom left his vision. The attendant bowed slightly, lowering his head before announcing to the man at the piano, [b]“My Lord, the carriage to Shadow Worth has been prepared.”[/b] [/i] [hr] [color=ed145b]"I h-hope you don't mind if I stay by you? I don't really like being around a lot of people."[/color] Praeth felt a light tap that barely registered, but he had managed to face Nadia before she began to speak. Smiling helplessly ever so slightly at her meekness, He leaned forward so that his face was closer to hers. With his long index finger, he pressed her chin upward with a soft but firm push, his clear, pale eyes practically reflecting Nadia’s own wide eyes as their gazes locked. [color=00667c]”Look me in the eye when you speak. I have taken you from your comfortable home and forced you into a world where your very life will depend on me in constant peril. At least allow me to give you my respect as my equal. Qualms aside, I would not mind your company in the least, Nadia.”[/color] Praeth muttered with a soft voice, as if attempting to soothe her. He cast a glance towards Tirza, checking her current state before looking towards another voice. [color=gold]"S-Sir... I was hoping to stay with you as well."[/color] Praeth’s helpless smile simply widened, however slightly. His eyes meeting with Araxie’s, his face took on a kindly appearance, [color=00667c]“I’ll implore you, Ara, not to call me sir, but by name. Unless you would prefer I call you madame.”[/color] He added a showy lisp to the word ‘madame’. In many ways, Praeth looked down upon himself harshly. Looking towards the brides, it was almost as if he begged to be seen as their equal. It was not that he looked up to them, but rather, envied them. The compassion and emotions that had so quickly diminished within himself were still present even on their faces. He began to become caught up in his own musings, as if trying to put what he felt into his own words and explain his thoughts to himself. [color=00667c]’Perhaps it was the first corner, maybe even the second corner of the world that I had lost the ability to truly feel. How unfortunate, that I am left to gaze at my own brides with envy. Come death, I am sure every god I have encountered thus far will force me to grovel at their feet in my wretchedness.”[/color] Praeth simply smiled bitterly at his own thoughts, the mask generally overshadowing his expressions. Without further ado, Praeth opened the doors to the banquet halls. He had not avoided his studies of the nobles he would see here, thus he was already jaded towards their antics prior to finding a mangled body, or the Guard Commander confronting a hooded figure. Praeth had instantly sensed Rynek’s overwhelming fighting prowess but could not identify the man. Shrouding his own presence, Praeth passed by the confrontation and headed towards the banquet tables for food. He kept Araxie and Nadia within an arm’s length but only kept an eye on Tirza, believing she was slightly too pre-occupied to go causing trouble but not wanting to force her with him.