[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmUxMGYwYy5TMkZ6WVhKcElFeHBaWE50WVEsLC4w/dark-garden.regular.png[/img] [@Raxacoricofallapatorius] Kisari chuckled silently to herself at the Drakken's response, her muscles relaxing from their tensed state. [color=ed1c24]"No, I suppose I won't." [/color] She motioned the lizard, instructing him to climb to her shoulder with a swipe of her hand. As smart as the lizard was, she feared his distance from her, preferred to have him close in case she had to defend him. [color=ed1c24]"Leo, a travelling companion from home. They're a difficult breed to find in the wild, and rumor has it that when they're old enough they can spit sparks at their foes."[/color] Kasari cooed fondly at Leo, running two fingers over his horned head and down his spiked back. For whatever reason the rough feeling of his hide was comforting, left her feeling less loss than when she arrived. He reminded her of all the aimless adventures they would set out on together, exploring for days at a time. His presence alone made this nightmare feel less terrible for a short time. Any and all warm feelings quickly vanished as the male Drakken's female companion came running back to his arms. It was a strange sight for Kasari who had previous thought that all Drakken knew and loved fighting, so why did this one look like a frightened child. [i][color=ed1c24]Spoiled rich kids are the same everywhere I guess.[/color][/i] She thought to herself as she held back a cynical scoff. Soon after her arrival another brutish man made his appearance, demanding the woman in exchange for money... Yet another reminder of how barbaric the Drakken race was, but it wasn't the girl's attitude or the brute's assumptions of the situation that disturbed her... It was Torin's reaction. She watched while the guards loomed over as Torin stole the brute's breath and plunged a dagger through his chest, kicking the corpse aside as if it were no more than a chunk of meat... Though now she figured that's all it was. But his rage did not end with the brute, and instead turned on the woman, grasping her by the horns rather roughly. So caught up in her disbelief Kasari nearly missed what Torin was saying, introducing himself and his... Sister? Kasari tried to retain her composure but she couldn't fight the shiver that ran down her spine. The woman he had smacked across the face and threatened was related to him? That wasn't a good sign to her, it meant that if either she or the other Gem Raya did anything wrong he wouldn't hesitate to harm them how he saw fit. Not that she had expected anything else from a Drakken but this particular one had given off a different kind of vibe until moments ago. She contained a heavy sigh as she followed Torin, Tyrai and Raya to the dining hall. Kasari hadn't realized how hungry she was until she saw all the food laying out on the table for everyone's enjoyment. Stomach rumbling, Kasari took her seat on the far side of Raya, glad to put a little distance between her and Torin. Holding Leo in her lap, Kasari watched Raya and Torin out of the corner of her eye, wondering if it was alright for her to go ahead and eat. Fearing trouble right off the bat, Kasari cleared her throat politely. [color=ed1c24]"M'lord Torin?... I'm...."[/color] Kasari's face burned with embarrassment, kicking herself internally for not being able to ask her question. Instead she smiled despite his lack of eyesight. [color=ed1c24]"My name is Kasari. Kasari Liesma."[/color] She trailed off, turning her eyes to the lizard curled up in her lap.