[h2]Krone the Scream Taker[/h2] Krone turned slowly around to face the little water Gem. Weren't the water Gems noted for being wise? It would seem that his little bride missed that memo. Once facing his bride he stared at her for a moment, his eyes hold bitter disappointment and a bit of sadness. She didn't know that she had condemned this male Gem of her's or her people. She was too naive to think before speaking, that was something he was going to have to train her to do. How unfortunate. [color=lightblue]"Did you hear what she said Cullonus?"[/color] He asked, his voice calm and nearly purr like though his eyes showed his disappointment. [b]"Yes, my Lord I did."[/b] Cullonus said, his voice dripping with malice and slight amusement. [color=lightblue]"Then you know what must be done, send the message and make it swift. Also get two scouts ready to go into Gemminia to search for this male Gem."[/color] He said as he looked from his bride to Cullonus who placed his right hand over his heart and bowed his head before leaving the room and shutting the door. Once the other Drakken was gone, Krone looked back at Kaelira and took a step towards her. Reaching out he gently placed his hand on the nape of her neck and placed his brand, just like what he did to Kalani. Though he was planning to make it hurt for her, he didn't. He only made hurt as much as Kalani's, as he knew she would be in agony later, not physical agony but more mental and emotional agony. Slowly dropping his hand from her small, neck that he could easily snap, he motioned Kalani to stand next to Kaelira. [color=lightblue]"My dear, I am afraid you do not know what you have done. And because of your ignorance I pity you.... Drakkens don't pity others, but you are the first to have done so. Congratulations."[/color] He said, though he said congratulations in a slight mocking tone. His eye held no emotion though which caused most of even his own kind to be careful of him, as it made him harder to read. [color=lightblue]"I will offer you one last chance to submit and save your male Gem.... If you truly love this male, then you will listen and do as I tell you. Or this Gem will die most unpleasantly."[/color] He said knowing that he was giving her one last chance to make at least part of what she had done right. [color=lightblue]"Now there is to be a feast, this is where the other Lords like to show off their new pr..... brides. Some like to steal other brides or play mind games. Drakken nobility are notorious and smarter than the average Drakken, so stay close to me or risk the pain of another Drakkens snare." [/color] He explained not waiting for Kaelira to answer, as he was sure she would jump at the chance to redeem her little male Gem. He motioned for both girls to follow him, he knew they wouldn't run as he also had two of his guards bring up the rear. This was for both keeping the girls from running and from keeping them safe from the others that would wish to take them. Krone walked with the same iciness that he had earlier. Upon reaching the banquet room he took note of who was all there. All young fools who barely grew into their horns, none had honor. But then it seemed that their generation lacked many things. He knew that he might receive jabs (both physical and non-physical) because he was the oldest. Finding his seats, he noticed that he was next to the Hellsongs. He looked at the female Drakken and raised an eyebrow, she was pretty enough, but he thought his own Drakken Wife was far prettier than this child. Why her brought her was intriguing, though her brother had to have known that she would be far more trouble than his Gem brides. Not unless he was planning to use her as bargaining chip to further himself in Drakken politics. He seated Kalani on his left and Kaelira on his right. He wanted them close to keep them safe. He was in no mood to lose them or for the political bull that would soon arise. He had far more important things on his mind. [hr] [h2]Raya T'mivus[/h2] Raya watched her new master and how he flirted? Was that flirting or was he playing a game trying to get into their heads. She was unsure, which probably meant that he was in her head already. This was troublesome, she didn't wish to be played or have him in her head. She wished that she was in the forest again, with her feet in the dirt and twigs in her hair. Even though this fortress was carved into the mountain, it didn't feel right to her as if her element was muted. She felt slightly disconnected from the Great Mother which was rather unnerving for her. Never had she been disconnected from her patron goddess. Was it because she was on the border of Gem and Drakken territory? She was pulled from her thoughts when the female Drakken came up to her master with a large male Drakken following close behind. So it would seem that Drakken females weren't treated much better than Gemminite brides. That was rather surprising to say the least. Everything that happened next was fast and before see knew it a Drakken was bleeding out infront of her. She watched as the dark maroon blood slowly seeped across the floor. She was use to blood, as she hunted while in the forests but it was only for food not pure sport. This was just barbaric. Raya was pulled from her thinking again when Torin finally introduced himself, his sister then her and the fire Gem to his sister. He seemed to do a slight 180 from his angered state he was in just moments ago. He then told them to follow him as there was to be a banquet or something of the like. Once entering the banquet hall her eyes grew wide as she had never seen such a large room before. She was use to the natural large spaces in nature but not one constructed out of will. It seemed so wrong to her. Sitting she stared at the food before looking over at the girl who was her bride sister. She wondered if she felt disconnected like she did or if her element was still strong, or maybe she was over thinking it. [b]"Have you ever had one of these before? I believe they are native to my country. Is it to your liking?"[/b] Raya looked over at Torin and at the fruit he was offering her. She was unsure if she should take it or not. Deciding not anger her master she took the fruit. Her fingers gently brushing his, it felt weird to now belong to him. But she knew that she was going to have to get over it and quickly. [color=green]"I lived in northern Gemminia, we didn’t often get imports from Drakka. What we got was from the forests or the land we farmed..... Pleasantries were of little use for us or for my family anyway."[/color] She said coolly but pleasantly as she looked from the fruit to the masked Drakken. He was large but seeing the others that entered he wasn't that big, at least in the brawn department. He was tall but all the others were built for battle. Raya looked over at sister bride when she finally gave her name. She smiled slightly before passing her the deep blue fruit to her. She had heard her stomach just moments before. She would eat soon, earth element Gems were the givers of Gem society, so they were usually the last to receive anything but they were fine with that. As the Lord's and their prizes entered the room, she took note of the other brides to see what condition they were all in. Some were better than other, while most looked nervous or scared. So far she felt lucky. [hr] [h2]Tirza R'Miva[/h2] [b]"Play all you like, but I assure you, it will not take more than 4 hours before things become unbearable for ones who are trained, it will become torturous throughout the night. I would watch your demeanor carefully for this coming event"[/b] Tirza nearly growled at his words, as she knew full well that this was going to end horribly for her. She would endure it for as long as she could, but she would make him lift this... this [i]water[/i] from her or he was going to regret it. She tried to listen to what he said next but her frustration was taking most if not all her concentration. Before she knew it he had motioned them to follow him. She took two steps and nearly fell to her knees. Walking made it worse, so, so much worse. How in the names of the gods was she Going to make it to make it to the banquet hall? She prayed to all the Gem Gods for help as she didn't want to fail now. Her pride wouldn't allow it. Huffing once she began to walk again though she stopped every third step for a second before moving again. The way the other two girls clung to Praeth made her roll her eyes. They were so afraid and needy for his attention it was all rather sickening really. But then they probably needed his protection more than she did. She was suddenly pulled from her thoughts when they passed a Drakken guard. He was standing normally as Praeth, Nadia and Araxie passed, but as soon she made her way pass his nose flared and his eyes narrowed on her. She could see the slight excitement in his eyes as he watched her pass. [color=pink][i]Oh Goddess! He can smell my arousal! Damn Drakken husband! Damn him![/i][/color] She thought as she made the air around her only stay with her. This was to keep the other male Drakkens from looking at her. Though she knew that she would at some point take the wall of air down as it would weaken her. When that happens her scent would be overwhelming to all the Drakkens around her. She hoped that Praeth was up to keeping the others away from her. She suddenly wandered if Praeth could resist such a smell. Drakkens worshipped a god called Sorrak and from what she knew that God loved women and if he smelled a woman's arousal he couldn't resist but take her. And from what she was told all Drakkens held the same trait. So she decided to find out, she made the air carry her scent to Praeth. If he denied the air to reach him then she would send it to a noble and Praeth would either have to give her up or fight for her. And from the what she knew of her husband, he didn't like losing what was his. Either way this was going to be interesting.