[b][h2][color=3a0600]Torin Hellsong[/color][/h2][/b][color=green]Raya T'mivus[/color] [color=ed1c24]Kasari Liesma[/color] He listened as she spoke, but the way he never moved his head from side to side almost made it seem like he was ignoring her. The opposite was true, and whenever the buzz of conversation threatened to drown out Raya's voice a slight change in the air current ensured that every word reached his ear safely. [color=3a0600][b]"Ah, I suppose fresh produce is expensive to get across the border, especially since all trade routes must pass through Shadow Worth. I manage a handful of trading companies and while we occasionally receive goods from Gemminia they are for the most part non-perishables. Fabrics, raw silk, wool and the like. Every few years I'm able to get a shipment of a particular kind of wine that I believe originates near your homeland. I normally save it for special occasions but once we return to my estate I think I shall open a bottle for the three of us."[/b][/color] Though he was modest in the mention of his business in trade, the truth was that Torin was the head of three mercantile enterprises, the primary sponsor and beneficiary of six leather and fur trading posts, and owned a weaver's guild, four major weaponsmith guilds, and more or less controlled a dozen other arms dealerships. He held significant control over all the major trade routes. The economy was something he'd become interested in after losing his sight, now instead of waging his own wars he profited from others' either by selling to or withholding from certain noteworthy warlords, and taxing the goods. It was the Hellsong House's first source of income and the main reason the family hadn't gone under after the sudden death of Torin's father. Of course, Torin chose to mention none of this to his new brides on the grounds that in spite of his wild success the extent of his influence was something of a secret. Of course the "handful" he'd mentioned earlier publicly represented him, but everything else was managed under several pseudonyms and layers of varying authority. Thus the general consensus that the Hellsong's continued wealth and prosperity was some sort of trickery on Torin's part, and they were't wrong. The other girl spoke up just then, finally admitting her name. He smiled, genuinely this time. [color=3a0600][b]"Kasari Liesma."[/b][/color] It sounded exotic on his tongue. He was pleased that his original judgement of her had been fairly accurate, in fact she had softened far more quickly than he'd anticipated. He didn't appear to notice when Raya passed the fruit to her, though he too could hear her stomach growling. [color=3a0600][b]"Please, both of you, help yourselves to whatever is on the table. Tyrai, darling, I smell warm mead beyond you, do pass it this way."[/b][/color] [h2][color=fff79a]Tyrai Hellsong[/color][/h2] She'd been lost in her own thoughts when Torin interrupted them, asking for the mead. Instead of giving it to him, she filled both their goblets and then pushed the flagon to his new brides. If Torin had been born with the element of water he might have been able to handle pouring his own drinks sightless, but it was one of the things he could only do well with an immense amount of concentration. Given that he was likely focusing his energy on the two women in addition to the general feeling of the banquet hall, Tyrai simply decided to save him the trouble. As she finished the task someone sat down beside them. She recognized Krone immediately and allowed herself to be relieved when he sat one of his brides between himself and her. Still, she gave the girl a disdainful look then leaned over and spoke into her brother's ear. [color=fff79a]"The Scream Taker has just seated himself near us."[/color] [color=3a0600][b]"So charm him. He would make a powerful ally."[/b][/color] Torin murmured back and Tyrai blanched at his suggestion. [color=fff79a]"He's already got a Drakken wife,"[/color] she hissed, [color=fff79a]"I won't be forced to compete with another lady of my standing, and he'll already favor her above all the others. The very idea leaves a bad taste in my mouth."[/color] Torin pursed his lips but let the matter drop, and again she was relieved. He'd been so strict with her ever since they left home, and although she knew it was necessary for his image. Being so young made him a potential target for anyone who underestimated his power, and while she had confidence that her brother could hold his own, she knew avoiding any unnecessary confrontations would just be… well… easier. She touched her cheek where he'd struck her, remembering the last words he'd spoken to her before they arrived. [color=3a0600][i]"Once I have secured whatever Gems the reaping has to offer, make a point to wander a little from me. Not far, but enough to attract some attention."[/i][/color] She realized at the time he'd meant all along for her to drag some blundering idiot back to him, what she hadn't reckoned was his intent to kill in cold blood with such deliberate malice and so little provocation. Part of it she knew was just another display of power, but the other part was borne purely of his Hellsong bloodlust. For now at least he seemed perfectly content to make small talk with his new wives. He took a long drink from his goblet before going on to ask questions about their homes and families, finding out what their backgrounds were like, and then talking about how their new lives would be different. [color=3a0600][b]"You won't have many duties in my household,"[/b][/color] he was saying, [color=3a0600][b]"But there will be plenty of ways for you to amuse yourselves. I anticipate that you will live comfortable lives. If there is anything material your heart desires, within reason of course, I am willing to provide it so long as you cause me no strife."[/b][/color] He certainly had a way with words, Tyrai knew that very well. In a way she was jealous of his Gem brides, since they were guaranteed a good husband unlike herself. She caught herself frowning at the table in front of her, then shook her head slightly. She knew well enough Torin had his own motives for allowing her to come, however much she wanted to believe it was her idea. She couldn't help but wonder if her next husband was one of these sitting around the banquet tables, though she seemed dissatisfied with the possibilities presented to her. Not so the food though, and she plucked a ripe red pear from the center of the table and took a bite.