Chantrea waited for the last few stragglers to shamble on past, before hopping down off of her crates, landing with a distinct ‘CLANG!’ on the metal walkway bellow. She was sceptical about this latest bunch, but she’d yet to see any of them in action so far, so she’d refrain from passing any major judgments. The young woman was almost certain they were a ticking time bomb of contrasting personalities and unstable character’s, but the higher powers at the Sanctum had assembled this latest batch of recruits, and from her experience that was reason enough to have faith in their capabilities, whatever they may be. They’d all find out, soon enough. Chantrea made her way back inside the looming underwater complex, her skirt ridding up over her stomach slightly, which she found herself constantly tugging at to try and keep at a respectable length. It was only a short walk to the dining hall, through a few winding metal corridors and up the odd flight of stairs. She passed a few students her age on the way through the Sanctum. None of them spoke to each other. The dining hall itself consisted of three tables that spanned the length of the room (which were accompanied by metallic stools), a sprawling buffet containing a whole manner of varied foods at the far end of the hall, and a large podium for giving presentations, with an advanced set up that let the speaking stream holographic displays onto a nearby wall. A great celling made from a see-through glass-like substance loomed above. Brilliant blue/green waters spilled over the celling, shimmering against the panels, and an enormous metallic submersible drifted majestically overhead. The buffet was manned by lean synthetic catering robots, and a handful of technicians were fiddling about with the holographic display, presumably in anticipation of the new arrivals. The bulk of the student body were either away on missions or spending their leisure time doing other activities throughout the Sanctum, so Chantrea was currently the only teenager in the vast dining hall. Scooping up a tray and some cutlery from a slick dispenser in the wall, Chantrea made her way over to the buffet, eyeing up the food on display. “Good Evening, Miss Tascroix.” One of the synths bleeped at her. It was painted a rusty reddish colour, and had a sleek, spherical head, with a single mechanical eye. Chantrea’s eyes fell upon a large vat full of piping hot macaroni and cheese, with white steam wafting up from its creamy mass. “I’ll take some of that.” Chantrea told the synth, gesturing to the pasta. “Portion size?” inquired the robot. “Large.” The catering droid pilled a china plate high with macaroni and cheese, before placing it delicately down on the young woman’s tray with its slim, skeletal arms. “Enjoy your meal, Miss Tascroix.” It beeped. Chantrea filled a large metal canteen full of chocolate milkshake and collected a bowl of small powdered doughnuts from the desert section of the buffet, before finding herself a seat in the corner of the room, away from where she anticipated/hoped the majority of the kids from earlier would sit. The young woman tucked into her meal with gusto, shovelling in large mouthfuls of macaroni and cheese, whilst she awaited the arrival of the new students.