[center][h2][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmUxMGYwYy5TMkZ6WVhKcElFeHBaWE50WVEsLC4w/dark-garden.regular.png[/img][/h2] [color=3a0600]Torin Hellsong[/color][/center] Kasari blushed slightly as Raya handed her the dark blue fruit, nodding her appreciation. The earth Gems were always so kind, even in the face of adversity here was Raya thinking about her sister bride first. [color=ed1c24]"Thank you very much."[/color] She smiled politely before turning her attention to the exotic fruit. It was true that Gemminia received little in the ways of exotic foods, and even then the further one lived from the border the less likely they were to taste anything from Drakka. Kasari had been lucky enough to sample delicacies from Drakka a few years ago but none of which she saw sitting before her now, everything her eyes fell upon was new; and while that could be exciting, it made her more homesick than anything. The fire Gem bit into the fruit gratefully, her eyes going wide with wonder. [color=ed1c24]"Wow... This is amazing. I wouldn't have expected anything like this to be native to your country... No offense."[/color] She chuckled apologetically. Apparently she had many misconceptions in her mind about the place she was being sent to, it might do her some good to forget anything she had thought and let first hand experience guide her opinions. Reaching to a plate to her left, Kasari plucked a few unique looking appetizers for herself and Raya so she could try them as well. When Torin began talking again, Kasari made a point to listen carefully, not wanting to miss anything important. From what it sounded like, she and Raya would have it pretty easy in comparison to other Gem brides taken for The Reaping. In fact, she felt sort of guilty for being happy about the Drakken she was to be with. Comfortably spoiled, that's how she saw it anyway... Raya probably didn't feel quite as thrilled about the proposition. While having whatever she asked for might be nice, the earth Gems were known givers and hardly asked for a thing. To be so far from the forests they loved so much was probably the worst thing that could happen. Again Kasari felt bad about her previous moments of happiness. It was in that moment, however, that an idea struck Kasari... A way to help not only herself and her homesickness, but a way to help out her sister bride too if it were her sort of thing. [color=ed1c24]"M'lord Torin, I have a strange question. Drakken culture adopts things like art and architecture from the countries they conquer, do they not? Would Raya and I be able to find any temples or shrines dedicated to our patron gods?"[/color] Somehow waiting for the answer to this particular question frightened her... What if the idea angered him, she didn't know what she would do if Torin was the type to refuse his Gem brides access to the shrines as a way to show their power over their daily lives. Out of all the things she could possibly ask for, this was perhaps one of the more serious ones. The air around her seemed to jump alive, sparking unconsciously as Kasari prayed silently to whatever god might hear her.