[b]Pol Stictid[/b]


As the light of dawn began to shine on Pol Topelia's capitol, cries of gulls and crows began to echo down from above. Birds laden with precious news began to filter across the city, making their deliveries. But while the News Coos delivered stories from other islands, the crows were garnering more buzz as they delivered their own papers: the local rag, 'Topelia Times'.

At the highest point of the city, in one of several turrets reaching towards the sky in a fortress-like castle, man sat at his desk in a clean office, window open, letting light pour on to the large potted plant flanking an organized desk. Silently dropping the paper, the man, his well built figure fitting into a dark brown military uniform, a blonde goatee around his mouth under a bald head, rubbed his forehead for a moment. The headline read 'Revolutionaries Attack Boat Carrying Medical Supplies for Epidemic! Dozens Endangered!'

Gritting his teeth, Dario Capper's sigh transformed into a snarl as he slammed his fist on his desk, snapping, [color=gold]"Damn them! They don't even know what they want anymore!"[/color] Ever since he'd first gotten the report, it was all that was on his mind: this was sheer terrorism! He couldn't just say nothing.

The door cracking open, a voice called, "You rang, sir?"

Dario blinked, before taking a breath, replying, [color=gold]"Well, I was...come in."[/color] Door opening, a man with short red hair, glasses, and a brown suit walked in. Dario said, [color=gold]"Nopalé, I want to give a statement to the public regarding the incident yesterday."[/color]

Nopalé confirmed, "I'll send for preparations at once."

Dario nodded, [color=gold]"Very good. And the Marines?"[/color]

"They're not pleased, but they've agreed not to land until we give the order," Nopalé explained.

Dario huffed, [color=gold]"Well, they'll just have to deal with it: we can handle this ourselves!"[/color] Bringing a hand to his beard thoughtfully, he suggested, [color=gold]"Have the speechwriter put in something along those lines."[/color]

"As you wish," Nopalé stated, before being waved away.

Now alone again, Dario stood, moving towards the wide window, looking out and over the city, streets only just beginning to move. As he imagined it devastated by the Revolutionary Army, he could only slam his fist into the frame, gritting his teeth.

[color=gold]"Not [i]my[/i] country you animals..."[/color]




"Commander? Sir? Are you awake?"

There was a snort, then a grunt, before the answer came, [color=tan]"I am now..."[/color]

Throwing his legs off the edge of his bunk and sitting up with a groan, Alzac rubbed his head, scratching at his curly, pale brown hair. Stopping, he looked at his hand, which still had faint stains of blood. Cringing, he stood, stretching his sore limbs, before moving from his bunk, grabbing a black coat and throwing it over his bare torso. Finishing up with a hat fanged to look like a wolf, he asked, [color=tan]"What's the damage?"[/color]

The junior Revolutionary with short dark hair and glasses began, "Er, well, most everyone who was injured's been stabilized, but there's this..." 

The younger girl held up a newspaper, Alzac taking it, his face contorting to anger at the headline. Throwing it aside, he grumbled, [color=tan]"Medical supplies!? My ass!"[/color]

That ship had been loaded with [i]weapons[/i], and far too many of them were primed and ready by the time the Revolutionaries had gotten there. The battle was devastating on both sides, but at the very least what weapons the Revolutionaries hadn't recovered were resting on the bottom of the ocean. The aftermath though...

Even aside from the battle, things hadn't been going well: while elsewhere, underworlds were well aware of the strange and shifty trades going down on Pol Topelia, but here? No one seemed the wiser. And since the island appeared squeaky clean, approval of Dario Capper was at a high. As far as the public knew, the only major threat was the 'evil, monstrous, Revolutionaries', while the average criminal was just waiting to be busted.

Alzac didn't want that to stand, but as things were...

Shaking his head, he pushed that thought from his mind before moving from his cabin, taking to the common area of their rather large boat, currently moored in a hidden spot on the rocky coastline nearby Ostropa. Weaving his way through the resting and wound men, he called, [color=tan]"Vice! Fukubei! Where..."[/color] Turning to his junior, he asked, [color=tan]"Livian, send someone to get them."[/color] With a nod, she headed off, Alzac continuing on, heading to the deck of the ship to await them.


As the morning went on, the docks of Ostropa continued to buzz with activity, ships leaving with the island's quality ore and minerals while more came in with a variety of goods from all over the South Blue and beyond.

Bumming around the alleyways a ways away from the docks, however, was a lone girl. Her shoulders were slumped, pink hair flowing over them. Her purple eyes were lidded, her face sunken as she shambled. She wore a light white coat with red trim and cuffs over a short-sleeved white shirt and blue shorts, while an iron rod was kept across her back.

Looking to the sky, she took a breath, before grumbling, [color=pink]"What did I do earlier today again..?"[/color]

Letting out a cry of frustration, Claribel Donner moaned, [color=pink]"I don't remember anything! Have I even eaten yet!? Today is so [i]boring[/i]!"[/color] Poking at her stomach, it didn't answer her back, so apparently she had indeed eaten.

Then maybe...it was her that was boring? As if to try and answer her own question, she suggested, [color=pink]"Maybe I should punch the next person I see."[/color] She then mumbled, [color=pink]"No, that wouldn't work..."[/color] Letting out a sigh, she continued on her aimless path.

As she moved on, a watching eye peered from beyond a cracked open door...