Angie looked around at the conversation. FInsihing off her meal. Each and everyname popping up was registered for a face. Poping off one of her flats she grabbed a peice of candy by the looks of it from her shoe. She simply unwrapped the wrapping on it popping it in her mouth a few seconds later. God did she hate people who couldn't control there selves. It was like watching one of those shit drama's online. Start out well, middle goes to shit with egotistical characters popping in. Ending is just as shit filled. Shaking out her hair a bit, she contiuned watching the scene unfold. THis Kessler she couldn't tell if he was just an ass to everyone, or he was a shit headed big mouth. either one was equally as bad. This shadow girl she also noted was probably gonna find someone to clash with. She didn't mind not being noticed, she enjoyed being alone listening to the machines. Then the fuck noticed her. [i]FUck he's ([@Happy Go Lucky]) coming this way. I though I could observe the animals from afar damnnit![/i] [color=00a651]"Im so so sorry for ignoring you, unless you were ignoring me, in which case, golly that's some heretical shit right there! Names Kessler, you probably know that. Kessler Brigs! I'm bubbly, merry, and I'm literally the great thing to ever exist since dynamite!" [/color] YEp totally just a shit headed bigmouth. [color=00a651]"What's your name? I take it a bitch like you, all anti-social like would either be as fucking batty as a old lady with dementia or just meat ready to be diced." [/color] She smirked at this, he was falling into her trap of fakeness. [color=00a651]"Honestly, what's your reason for being here? Get enough money for a boob job? Because I almost mistook you for having a dick! Hahah!... I'd still fuck you though!"[/color] She really couldn't care less. Keeping the smirk on her face she took notice of the armored people walking in before responding. [color=ed1c24]" And I mistook you for a psychotic little bitch, not a little bichy ass-hat. So we both were wrong." [/color] Saying this in hawks voice not her normal one. She finished this her sentence paying attention back to the armored men. The smirk never leaving her face. The Mention of Paris sparking interest. She knew she didn't answer her question. if he proved to be useful he would get a name. Other than that he was just another fuck face who thinks she's useless.