[quote=@Great Sogeking] Alright... I was really hoping I could hurry up and play the catch up game here after a hella long time away, but I'm committing into something that'll take a lot of time and energy out of me. I don't think I'd be able to play in RPs in addition to working on it, as much as I'd like to, so I'm afraid I'm just gonna have to drop out of this RP. Sorry if this messes up any sorta rooming developments or anything. [/quote] That's a shame. I was really looking forward to more Al/Zac interaction :< Oh, well. Hope you can eventually come back, dude ^^ [quote=@Rune_Alchemist] Awww, sorry to hear that mate. Well, your spot will always be here if you want back in at some point :D That saaaaid, we're probably gonna be ending up classes soon, so anyone who wants to do an introduction, needs to or you'll be out of luck xP Probably be moving to lunch time next~ [/quote] Yay, I can post as chef Zac! :D