The idea of which he would rather be called hadn't occurred to him until he observed Darius' expression. Thankfully, they seemed friendly which was a breath of fresh air for Kaite whose ears perked up and turned to the boy he had conversationally approached. Typically, grafts like with what Kaite seemed to have didn't come with muscle control. [i]Yes[/i], they were real. "Sorry if it vahs rude" he apologized in the context of considering Darius' potential preference to have rather introduced himself. "N'yes, uhm...I vould prefer 'Jericho', if you may" Kaite continued before taking a big confident bite of his sandwich and almost choking for a second before managing it, getting a little carried away with his borderline shocked disbelief that humans so polite existed in a place like this when all he had previously seen was...well... [color=00a651]"Honestly, what's your reason for being here? Get enough money for a boob job? Because I almost mistook you for having a dick! Hahah!... I'd still fuck you though!"[/color] [color=ed1c24]" And I mistook you for a psychotic little bitch, not a little bichy ass-hat. So we both were wrong." [/color] ...yeah. Kaite polished off the sandwich with another bite, taking time to delicately and thoroughly wipe his mouth and hands with the grip of napkins, folding the last one and putting it in his pocket, just in case. Listening to the soon to be group work out their differences would have been interesting if he didn't have his attention torn by the handsome human who he's found. Seeing Darius react to the mention of Paris, Kaite lifted an eyebrow. With the context Tas had used the word, it could mean anything from a misspeak of 'prison' to some sort of test. Kaite was aware that Darius was likely as new to the scene as he was, and the fact that he already had knowledge about it meant that it was probably something that existed outside the world of Embrace. Choosing to try and not look like a fool, Kaite went about forming the question, "Paris?" which was voiced with a tone as if he didn't understand. One of his ears tilted to the side, resting on the flat of an antler blade to accent their expression, although perked at the sound of the door opening. Assuming it was another student, he pretended not to notice until seeing the others look up and Tas mention something about a speech. Curiosity got the better of him as he turned his head to see the armored figures which instilled a slight sense of dread with a side of fear, reflected by his ears flattening back against his head. His eyes darted to the occupants of the table as if looking for an invitation to run, although he wasn't going to be the first in the event that it was a bad idea. He hoped it was just a speech.