[@Raxacoricofallapatorius] I allow and encourage people to make stuff up for the gods/culture. (I like world building) Though there are things I should mention. [list] [*] Vivari (the Great Mother) is mentioned in nearly all cultures, though this doesn't mean she is worshipped. So she would be mentioned in Drakken religious writing. But she is painted as a betrayer and unloving mother. (So Drakkens don't like her and they will never worship her) [*] Drakken's have three main gods that are worshipped above the others, Norric is the next popular god. But you are free to make up house gods/Goddesses if you wish. [*] it would be interesting to see the names of the three Gem god/Goddesses changed, but I see a problem with it. [list][*]As Vivari is known as a betrayer and unloving mother to her son's (who later birthed/made the Drakken), there needs to be a reason for her being known as such. [*] in Drakken writing it's said that she gave birth to two females and one male children and listed their elements (and she loved/favoured them more). Mind you it doesn't mention their names. [*] so as soon as the Drakkens found out that the Gems worship Vivari and her other three children, they wouldn't think of worshipping them. [/list][/list] I hoped that helped a bit. But as I said you are free to make up other minor gods and things in the culture of either Gem or Drakken. :)