"2 new species in under a day? Jorgey we might have stumbled on something bigger than we thought..." Nia rambled as she paced the small, but not cramped, bridge. "We can't even decipher that new message, for all we know it could be the same race broadcasting a declaration of war instead of a new race." Kalo did some typing and looked up, "Unlikely. I can read most of the new ship's weapons, and they are nothing like our trigger happy friends over there." Kalo gestured to the first ship. "Not to mention the fact that the First Ship open fired on the New Ship." Kalo said, sounding the slightest bit excited. " The New Ship is heading our way. No doubt we are in range of their weapons, but they are not firing. My only guess is that they come in peace." Jorgey nodded in agreement. "Nia, record the broadcast and relay it to all known races and see if anyone knows these guys." Jorgey opened up his own broadcast, explaining they want no more than to be on friendly relations with whomever was receiving. " I'm not sure where they came from, but maybe our new friends have the tech to understand us. If not, at least they'll know that we're responding to their broadcast." "Another species?" Karlson asked, concerned. "Yes sir. We have reason to believe that they have come in peace, as we have been well within range of their weapons for some time now, without any sign of weapons loading or charging." The Representative was still skeptical, his body and all of what he had learned screamed "Trap!", but the evidence Jorgey was giving was convincing. "Nia, our Com. Officer, has been relaying their broadcast to all of our known allies, but no one has heard or seen of them. Although we have not reached all allies, we believe that this races have come from an entirely unknown quadrant of the galaxy. Kalo even suggested that they picked up the same distress signal we got." This new news was disturbing. Quadrants 2 and 4 were unknown, so it was possible they were from an unknown quadrant, but the FTC had 2 allies each based in Q2 and Q4, and if they had not heard of this new race then they must have hid well, or not made much of an attempt to find other intelligent life. Then again, maybe they were some giant space empire that had just not met with our allies yet. "Alright Captain. Just don't cause an interstellar war or anything until I get there, ETA now 3 hours 5 minutes." " Of course Sir, see you when you arrive." The Channel clicked off and Karlson got up and walked around. He knew he would have to alert the other Representatives on the assignment's new details, and most likely vote on what to do next. "Kalo, lets get a readout on their drones." Jorgey ordered. " Working on it" Kalo promptly began typing and working his magic. A 3D model of the drone appeared on the main screen. "What kind of weapons does it have... Does it have weapons?" "The only thing I can confirm is that it has some kind of kinetic weaponry I've never seen before. It seem not active right now though." Kalo reported. "Alright Kalo, get a read on all the drones, see if any of them are prepping to fire." Kalo checked a few more, nothing coming up. "Good. Well, the peaceful theory still holds up at least." Karlson awaited the fate of his assignment. He had just briefed the 4 other Representatives on the new situation. "I see little reason to trust these new beings, and if you weren't already more than halfway there I would advise coming back." Explained Yungo, " We should not take chances that could kill a Representative, or start a war." Silence followed, with some unspoken words sent through glares. Karlson was viewing the discussion room from his ship, his face on a monitor where he would normally sit. "The risk is great, I admit, but this new planet could be a game changer! Imagine a booming trade port where travelers can stop on their journey just to pick up necessities, or collectors could buy artifacts from a previous civilization! A port where everything is sold and anyone is welcome, imagine the profits!" Harry Troupe was the most carefree of the Representatives, albeit the most successful business wise. "Yes, I can see the profit in setting up a trade port, my only concern is it's placing. It could be in a wide expanse void of intelligent life. We just can't tell for sure." John Goldif was hardly containing his excitement during the first part of his sentence, "And now I believe all that needs to be spoken has been, let us vote." There were 4 Is and 1 Nay from Yungo to continue to the new planet. "Fine, but if death and debt is what you want go start an interstellar war. It's not like being cautious has ever helped anyone." Yungo griped. "Oh Yungo, stop. Just because you're the oldest actually does not mean you are the dictator." John stated a little harshly, although it did make Karlson feel a little better about his vote. He was very afraid of Yungo. The channel shut off and Kalrson sat down. He was always anxious during votes, even though this was only his third. He took a look at his watch: Still 2 and a half hours until arrival. He made some coffee and sat back down at his desk to read over readings of the planet and started the tedious task of planning out the post.