Zakroti's attention was drawn away from his thoughts by the sound of a crash next to him, causing him to suddenly snap his head to face Miry and the Blackguard, frowning as he saw Miry blushing and retreating from the hulking 6'10 Drakken guard, hearing her mumble “I-it w-w-was just a m-m-misu-underst-tanding…” in a voice that was hardly audible over the racket caused by the banquet. He paused in confusion for a moment before he saw the guardsmen wipe the glass clean and place it down beside him, after which he glared at the blackguard. If Amaryllis had poured the drink then to some extent he would have understand the zeal, after all it was the duty he had these blackguards to do, but all could tell that Miry was too afraid to even think of poisoning him, let alone actually go through with the plot without collapsing out of fear. He felt a bell of conscience ring inside of him as he saw Miry's expression and clenched his right fist tightly in anger before casting a glance out of the corner of his vision and muttering something under his breath. It had drawn the attention of others in the room, his plans relied on him not being seen as an abuser of his brides for one. He silently cursed every divine entity he could think of in his head. "Kzaar, Vivpre!" He barked in a guttural voice and the guardsmen instantly backed off several steps and raised his hands apologetically towards his lord. Zakroti glared at him for a moment before he rose from his chair and took a step in advance towards Miry, extending his right arm and gently taking her hand. He drew her two steps towards him, though was careful not to draw her too close for fear of making the poor girl go any redder (For indeed, she would look like a tomato if she did) and glanced down to the forming bruise on her wrist. "Forgive me for his zeal, they are concerned only with my safety. Does it hurt badly?" He whispered to her as his face broke into a kind smile that was in stark contrast to the glare he had on his face a mere moment before "And thank you for pouring the drink." The smile faded from his face the moment he looked back up to the towering figure of Kzaar. The suit of armour seemed to shudder slightly as the helmet turned down to look Zakroti in the eyes. The little lord did not pause and gave an order in a calm but stern voice, laced with a subtle anger. It had a surprising amount of authority behind it for how short it was, and a presence that seemed to fill the space around Zakroti with an air of power "Kas." For a moment the hulking mass of Black armour merely stood there in seeming silence, though those closer to him might hear him breathing quickly and apparently trying to regain his composure. He nodded several times in quick succession and bowed his head towards Miry "I- I beg pardon, Lady Aymiria, I swear- On my blood- that it will not happen again." The power was gone from his voice as he spoke the words, as though the command from his lord had robbed this mountain of a man of all his strength. He paused several times to breath during the line, each time glancing towards Zakroti who would merely nod for him to continue. It was a pathetic grovel, almost comedic considering he was addressing a girl two foot smaller than him. Zakroti was apparently not satisfied and released his gentle hold on Miry's hand, taking a step to the side and staring up at the Drakken who took an involuntary step backwards at the approach of his lord. "Postat, yui O sep wre." He ordered and the guardsmen raised his visor, going somewhat red with embarrassment as he inhaled slowly and he fell to his knee before the small girl, lowering his head to look at the floor below him. Anyone could tell that he was being publicly humiliated, a great warrior forced to kneel down before a Gem Bride and beg for her forgiveness was near unheard of and humiliation was one of the few tools that could shatter a Drakken. Zakroti's kept an icy stare fixed on Kzaar as he knelt before Aymiria. "Do you forgive him, Miry?" He asked, shooting a glance over to the guardsmen next to him and nodding. The 6'5 Blackguard placed his hand onto the sword as he looked down towards his kneeling peer, ready to submit this man should his loyalty falter. Zakroti doubted it would. Kzaar wouldn't be in his personal guard if he was not loyalty unto death and back, but precautions should always be taken when dealing with someone so large and indeed so brutish. If Miry didn't forgive Kzaar then Zak already had a suitable punishment in mind for him and each one of the blackguard knew it. Their master never lacked for ways to discipline his servants. It was an art.