[color=gray]Blue was late. Fortunately, Blue did not care that she was late. Matter of fact, since the others were probably socializing at this point, it gave Blue a great opportunity to scope out the newly formed cliques, so to speak. And because of this, Blue didn’t bother to hurry as she walked down the corridor, her hand following her on the wall. When she saw the doors and heard the noise of annoying teenage pests, Blue sighed and stopped for a moment. [color=8882be]“I am in a paradise, on an island where no idiot has ventured. The waves are lapping at my feet and the sand is getting between my toes. And in my hair. And in my clothes. God damn, I hate sand. What the fuck am I doing? I should’ve pictured Antarctica, no bitch goes there.”[/color] With her core supposedly “calmed,” Blue opened the doors with a bang and strutted in, her hands in her jeans pockets – Blue didn’t care for uniforms. The brunette didn’t want to eat, so she ignored the food table, but instead she glanced at the groups that have formed. The loners were clumped slightly together with space in between, and most importantly, the loud people from earlier. It was that older girl Tas, the loudmouth girl, and some psychopath by the sounds of it. Despite Blue’s aversion towards the three, it was a dog-eat-dog-world and the number one rule to survival in a high school-like setting (you know, but with guns and blades) was to find the toughest kids and befriend them. Blue strolled up to the table and plopped down next to them, leaning her head on her hand. The moment she sat down, the blond psychopath turned to talk to some other girl and Blue half-heartedly listened in. [color=8882be]“Man, why are you guys so aggressive?”[/color] Blue muttered, turning towards Tas and…Shadow? Who names their kid Shadow? Well, to be fair, her name was a color. Blue happened to be an aggressive person as well, but she wasn’t aggressive right off the bat like this. These people just seem unstable. How are they supposed to work together? Missions are going to be impossible and Blue will be lucky if she gets out alive. At this rate, she needs to find an order within this disharmonious group, but they wouldn’t listen to her. Blue is not the leader, and she has no chance to become the leader since Tas has already established herself as the one with experience and the strongest. Blue had no choice but to wait and watch for Tas to fuck up so she could take the chance and ensure her survival. When the door opened, Blue had only spared an uninterested glance until Tas said something about the speech and Blue decided she needed a good luck at the silhouettes in order to curse them well. If others were going to come here and gives a speech, why did they bother sending Tas anyways?[/color]