"Captain," The communication officer says, spinning in her seat to face his superior. "The ship appears to be broadcasting it's own message. I've relayed it to analysis, who are attempting to decipher the language. It is unknown when, or even [i]if[/i], they can do it..." As if to contradict every word the officer said, the captain's terminal beeped. Jennifer tapped it, and was met by the voice of one of the analysts. "Captain, we believe we have successfully managed to decipher the new race's language." At once, everyone turned to look at the screen which was broadcasting the audio, even though there was nobody there. Nobody was even [i]trying[/i] to be discreet about it. They all wanted to know how it had been done so fast. "How on Lemea did you manage that?" Captain Jennifer asks, cocking her head. "You see, we did some comparisons. We ran it through the textspeaker, in an attempt to see the spelling of their words, and it came up with words that looked horribly like that of a young child. We just had to swap one or two letters and bingo, we had a match for words." The analyst states. "We have a rough translation, stating that they wish to be friends. Or, something along those lines. Though, that theory seems to be proving itself. I see that they are not arming their weapons." Jennifer nodded to herself as she listened, and tapped her lips, thinking. "Can you work with Coms and try to come up with a message, in their language, using text." The captain stands, and begins pacing. Nobody attempts to ask what she wanted the message to say, they simply waited for her orders. Finally, she spoke once more. "Ask them for a meeting, aboard the [i]Lightbringer[/i]. I wish to see them personally, to discuss matters between us. Oh, and be sure to inform them of how we deciphered their language. They can probably reverse some of our own letters to get their words. And, if they accept the meeting, someone tell Lieutenant Ray that he is to be their escort on this ship, and his hand pick of two others to support him. They'll meet them in the main hangar bay." The hangar bay of the ship was a large space, able to accommodate a number of dropships and several bombers. As the fighters and some of the bombers were drone-operated, they could latch on the outer hull, leaving a lot more space inside the ship. "Tactical, you have the bridge. I need to write some notes in my office."