"Yes, I've heard of you." Edoric circled around Astaelin, twirling her hair, "You're the little Gem who tried to show a bite. Shame that it didn't go down to plan every well ehh? You wanted to end the Reapings but instead, you got looped into it. Oh the irony! ou could have been safe from ever having to worry about, but nooooooo, you just had to go out and do some theatrics and be the hero." Edoric smiled as he mocked Astaelin, he knew that his words would ruffle her feathers even if it didn't show on her face. People with big, heroic egos intend usually hate mockery. "Were you trying to go out in a glorious blaze of courage and be remember in history as the first Gem to rebel against the system? Since if that's the case, I can always have you participate in a public burning and than be eaten by some savage animals who surely will find your flesh succulent. Wether you are dead or not when you are all charred and in front of the animals, that will be a different question of course." The Drakken twirled his was back in front of the two Gems before drawing out a pair of chains. They weren't anything too special, just some strong iron chains used for restraining war dogs and the like, they should work well with feisty Gemmites according to Edoric's mind. Quickly but carefully locking both chains to the girl's collars before they could reacts, he gently tugged on the chains to signal the girls to move, "All right Astaelin and Sheepy, time to go to the banquets. I hear that there are some wonderful chefs the time around so please do enjoy yourselves. As he pulled the girls along, he made careful measure to make sure that the chain would never be too stretched out and pause if he felt either of them was in danger of tripping. Whenever he saw some other Drakken who was lacking his own Gem wife "inspect" their eyes, all Edoric did was look at said Drakken before his own men dragged the man behind a corner or a pillar and inspect how durable his bones were to punches. Ignoring the pained groans from down the hall, Edoric had begun to tell them charming little tales of the food that was to be serve, saying how one of his younger siblings had assisted in the hunt of several of the meets and that the chef's assistant was actually a family friend. His descriptions of the food seemed less of an informational talk than it was a great advertising campaign for a pub. "Oh, and you should also really try out the Pork Shoulder, its actually a family recipe that my brother gave to the chef during his own Reaping. It is honest one of the best meat you'll ever have with pork that is [i]bursting[/i] with flavor and is delectably soft and- oh, we're here." Edoric turned his head back around to face the front as he pretend to push open great invisible doors and exclaimed, "Ladies and Gentlemen, and Rynek," Edoric hushed his voice for the last bit before regain his bravado, "I am here! Who wants to see a goat do a backflip?" As if on cue, a very confused guard trotted out of a backroom awkwardly holding and equally confused goat who baa'd as he eyed the salad. You could almost feel everyone in the room smacking their hand against their foreheads even if they didn't do it physically as the guard struggled to keep the goat ahold.