[h2]Krone the Scream Taker[/h2] Kalani and Kaelira There were many nobles drifting into the hall, some showcasing their brides while others took on a protective aura. Krone did not hold such a stance, as anyone was welcome to come and take his brides. Though there would be a price, not gold or silver nor their life, it would be a part of their estate. If they wanted his brides he wanted part of their power, he had gotten much of his power from making such deals. It was surprising how easy it was to get others to give up power if you had something they wanted. Krone looked at Kalani with eyes that were neither kind nor harsh before he placed a few fruits on her plate, he then did the same for Kaelira. Though his eyes held more of a warning, even though she promised to behave he knew better. She liked to make a show of things, so he knew to expect it at some point. He then turned to take food for himself, he didn't take much though as he was listening to everyone. He had commanded the air to move so gently that even other air element Drakkens couldn't feel it moving to his whims. If the air found something interesting, it would notify him. The first thing that was interesting was the two Hillsongs beside him. Torin Hellsong wished for his sister to make conversation with him and get him interested in her. But she sounded offended, she obviously didn't want to compete with another Drakken Wife. What was interesting though, was that the young one was looking for connections. He wished to get further in the political game. Krone made note and if he found the young one alone later he would see if he could get something out of such a connection. He wasn't above taking a risk on the young just so long as they gave him what he wanted. The air then notified him that the young lord Zacroti had taken a seat. Turning his head slightly he watched the young lord have his guards check and test the food and drink. He was a very paranoid for being so young, but Krone had heard of his bloody ride to power. Anyone with that much blood on their hands to gain power was right to be paranoid. He watched as he made conversation with lord Jorug who was rather over weight. He obviously had been enjoying court too much and had not been in the south for some time. Krone slowly lifted an eyebrow when lord Jorug began to cough, shortly after drinking his wine. It wasn't hard for him to put two and two together, but he wouldn't say anything, not yet anyway. Once the dying lord left, Krone motioned for one of his guards to come forward. [b]"Yes my Lord?"[/b] He said in a hushed tone. [color=lightblue]"Lord Jorug, is dead. Make sure that his guard is not blamed, send word to the family that I know who had done it. But if they wish to know they must agree to my terms.... if they don't comply, then make them."[/color] He said, though he spoke in an ancient and dead Drakken dialect that took a century and a half to master. This let his captain know that he was not to talk in the normal native tongue. When Lord Zacroti looked his way, he gave a barely noticeable nod before his attention was drawn to a man in a mask. But it wasn't the mask that got his attention, it was his brides scent. What ever he had done to cause the girl to smell like that was rather impressive and dangerous. A room full of Drakken men, some of which probably haven't had their needs met, was a fight waiting to happen. Krone went rigid for a moment before taking note of the girls husband. The male smelled familiar, but he couldn't remember how he knew the smell. He didn't even know this nobles name, so he must of been young and new to the political game. Before he could remember the males scent, a Gem covered in blood came into the hall. The smell of Drakken blood was strong and one that no Gem should have been able to get. His eyes narrowed on the girl as she walked over to her husband. It was surprising to see a Gem being so loyal, but this made a low growl escape the large Drakken. He knew who she went to and the damned young lord would play such a game. A stupid and foolish game, but the young seemed to like to play games. Though there was a way for him to use this to his advantage, he just had to wait for the opportune moment. It wasn't long for the quiet to burst into chatter once Lord Edoric entered the hall, with his two brides with collars and leashes. Krone wanted the man dead, but he had some how gotten a piece of his trading business. So if the man was killed, he would lose some of his income and contacts. The damn Drakken was bat crazy and had once sent Krone a goat to torture, claiming that it had brought dishonor on his family's name. He had no idea what the noble had with goats, but he was sure he didn’t want to know. All he could hope for was that he didn't strip naked and straddle the roast pig. That was the last time he ever went to Lord Edoric's parties. [b]“I’ve always wondered why it is that Drakken females tolerate their males taking wives from such a “lesser” race. Surely they know how impure the bloodlines of Drakka are becoming, thanks to the Gemminites. Maybe it’s just that the bitches are too ugly, and the males seek prettier stock? After all, a male’s only brain is in the head between his legs.”[/b] Krone was about to grab Kaelira when he heard Lady Hellsong speak up. He looked over at the female Drakken and smirked, she was obviously a smart one and didn't like to be insulted by her lessers. [color=lightblue]"You are quite right Lady Hellsong... but please sit, you need not stand for the likes of this mule headed Gem. You are far better than she and do not worry I will not ask you to forgive her."[/color] He said. He knew he was flattering her, but he rather flatter her than make her upset or cause her to start rumors of his inability to control his brides. Once lady Hellsong was seated, he stood and turned towards Kaelira. As he did so he brought the back of his hand across the young Gems face in a hard slap. It wasn't his full strength as he could kill her if he did, but it did leave a nice red mark on her pretty face. He then grabbed her by her upper arms and brought his lips to hers in a cold and threatening kiss. [color=lightblue]"If you dare embarrass me like that again, you will have the pleasure of watching your little Gem male scream in pain while I carve him into pieces without him dying... Also since my brain is between my legs, you will be the first one to [i]test its knowledge[/i]."[/color] He hissed the first part before changing to a purr for the last part in her ear. Though the last part was no threat, it was a promise. He then made Kaelira sit in her seat to think over what she had just gotten herself into. Krone was about to sit down when his captain came up and whispered in his ear. [color=lightblue]"I see... send the scouts out to find the little male Gem, take him to me estate. I will not lose my hold on her."[/color] He said in the ancient dead Drakken dialect coldly and softly. Turning so that he faced everyone at the table he held out his hands in a gesture to let everyone know that he had something important to say. [color=lightblue]"My brothers and sister, I have received word from the King."[/color] He said in a loud but calm matter. His voice was like ice that demanded attention or risk being cut be the cold of it. Many stopped what they were doing and looked up at the large Drakken. [color=lightblue]"But first let's thank the young Gems, because what I have to say concerns you... This will be the last [i]peaceful[/i] Reaping that either of our people's will take part in. Because of you spirited and rebellious Gems, the hand that protected your homeland will be turned against you."[/color] He paused for a moment before continuing. [color=lightblue]"Because of your ignorance, those that wished to live in peace will no longer have it. So I congratulate you as you have brought the end of your people, we are at War."[/color] As soon as Krone sat down again the room exploded into chatter. Excitement from the Drakken's and pure horror from some of the Gem brides. Krone simply sipped his wine as he watched and listened to the commotion, and waited for one or both of his brides to react. [hr] [h2]Raya T'mivus[/h2] Torin Hellsong, sister bride to Kasari Liesma The look of bridled rage that Torin held, was one that Raya thought would bring the end of either one or both of them. It felt like forever as she sat there waiting for him to blow up at them or in the very least promise to end them slowly. But the biggest thing she was feeling at that moment was heart ache. She had just denied her patron goddess and she was sure that she would be punished for it. And truth be told, she wished to be. She bit her lip when Torin leaned over so that he could explain what was expected of them when it came to religious beliefs. Her heart melted, she didn't want to lose herself to the false religion of the Drakken's. She wanted to stay connected to the Great Mother, to her element but she was on the verge of losing them all. As she listened to her husband speak she noticed how he suddenly trailed off. His whole demeanor changed, his seriousness that he had was gone and he seemed distracted. Raya looked around the hall for what made her husband suddenly change, but she couldn't find who or what it was. She sniffed the air, but could only smell the food. Whatever it was it seemed that only he picked it up. Must of been a Drakken thing. While taking a sip of water she felt Torin's large hand on her thigh then his arm around her waist. Her breath caught in her lungs as she placed the glass back on the table. [b]"You're looking over there right now, aren't you? There's a young Gem girl painted red with someone else's blood. Ah, she's walking now. I wonder what she's trying to accomplish. What do you think, Raya?"[/b] She looked over at the bloodied girl and wondered if that was what got Torin into an aroused state. If it was, she thought that was rather gross, surely it wasn't that. [color=green]"I do not know my Lord."[/color] She said softly while not moving away from his touch. [color=green]"But maybe there is.... something that you wish me to accomplish?"[/color] She asked in a near whisper as she turned her head slightly so that her nose was nearly touching his. She held the position for a moment before slowly leaning forward and placing a light kiss on his lips. Her insides felt like jelly but she knew that this would happen sooner or later, might as well be now. She noticed then that the banquet hall had gone silent. She looked to see a large Drakken standing and making a gesture. Then he spoke and as he did so she felt like someone had thrown her into an ice cold lake. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, War? Drakka against Gemminia? No! No, that couldn't be, she was here. She was here so that her countrymen could live in peace. How could that change? Why? Why must her people suffer for the few rebellious? She placed a hand on Torin's lap in shock, though he might of taken it a different way. This was a way that the Great Mother was punishing her, it had to be. But then why punish the rest of her people? Raya was confused.