[b][h2][color=3a0600]Torin Hellsong[/color][/h2][/b][color=green]Raya T'mivus[/color] [color=ed1c24]Kasari Liesma[/color] Well that had gone completely over her head, Torin thought as she kissed him, soft lips brushing lightly against his. It was nice, but he'd been hoping she could tell him who it was the bloody Gem had returned to. It didn't really matter, it was generally accepted that choosings involved a certain amount of chaos, and none of Torin's men had been harmed. Still, it would have been interesting to know. He'd been listening half-attentively to Tyrai's dispute with the insolent Gem, another matter that didn't concern him. His sister was no fool, and she was in the right after all. At a word from Krone she seemed satisfied and again took her seat, holding her head up proudly and turning her attention to the table, pointedly ignoring Krone's discipline. The main course was just being served when one of Krone's guards stepped up to the table and delivered a message. Torin directed his attention to the exchange, but the older Drakken spoke in a dialect he did not know, which meant whatever it was about must be important to him. Torin had just plated himself a generous portion of roasted venison when Krone delivered the news. They were going to war. Torin wasn't surprised, but he was a little disappointed. He'd been expecting another shipment of that Gemminian wine in the next week and now it likely wouldn't arrive. Something touched his leg and he reached down to find Raya's hand, gripping his tunic in a reflexive gesture of shock. He eased his fingers between hers and held her hand to keep her from panicking. He was mildly worried about Kasari on her other side but there was nothing he could do about her at the moment, and he had other concerns. At a gesture of his free hand, one of Torin's men stepped forward. Torin said a few words and the man hurried out of the banquet hall, returning just a few minutes later. "Impossible, my lord." Was all he said, and Torin nodded. He resigned himself to eating dinner, having nothing more to accomplish at the moment. Before that though, he spoke to his brides in a whisper carried by a subtle breath of air which reached only their ears. [b][color=3a0600]"Don't do anything rash. We'll discuss this at a later time. I suggest at least trying to eat something."[/color][/b] They could cry if they liked, or wring their hands, or fast. Any of those things were understandable and they wouldn't be the only brides to do so. He just didn't want them throwing a fit or causing a scene. Torin took a bite of venison as he listened to the room, which had exploded with activity since the announcement. After a while he seemed to have a thought and again signaled his guard. Like many Drakken warlords, Torin had his own personal bodyguards. And like many personal guards, they served more than one purpose. The man who approached him this time was different from the last, and it was unclear if that difference was intentional. [b][color=3a0600]"Make it known that I have intimate connections with Shogren,"[/color][/b] Shogren Armory was a well-known arms and armor supplier that specialized in producing large numbers of custom units very quickly; a war business. He estimated a good portion of of the upper class would commission new equipment for their armies prior to any sort of invasion and if word got around that Torin could supply from Shogren--perhaps at a discount price--he might be able to gain much more than just a couple of brides on this visit. The guard left them and didn't return.