[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmUxMGYwYy5TMkZ6WVhKcElFeHBaWE50WVEsLC4w/dark-garden.regular.png[/img] [color=3a0600]Torin Hellsong[/color]; Sister-Bride to [color=green]Raya T'mivus[/color] Kasari wasn't sure what she was expecting from Torin; harsh words, a dismissive attitude, or perhaps even a physical response as it was clear many other Drakken used... But whatever it was that ran through the Gem's mind, it wasn't what she received. Torin's response was cold and distant, insulting but impersonally, powerful and yet lenient. It was a mild response to such a bold question, but the delivery had her fuming by the end. She couldn't put her finger on it, but there was something about the way he scolded her that irritated her, like he viewed her as nothing but a child. The air around her began to heat up noticeably in her silent rage, her eyes narrowed at the blind man as she sat back in her chair. She caught Raya's gaze, a smile in her eyes that made Kasari feel better despite having been so reckless... Taking a deep breath, Kasari turned her attention to the various foods that were pouring into the room. She helped herself to more exotic fruits as well as the meats and wine made available to the group. Out of the corner of her eye Kasari watched as Torin spoke quietly to Raya, the pair discussing the arrival of a Gem as she gathered from following Raya's gaze. There was something off about her, being covered in blood. It didn't matter whose blood it was, the sight would have been unnatural in everyway. Even fire Gems like herself weren't known to harm others unless it was absolutely necessary, which unbeknownst to her would become the case very, very soon. Just beyond Torin and Raya was Kasari's new sister-in-law, standing from her seat in an imposing way, her attention on a bride belonging to a very important Drakken lord. Their voices weren't raised much, so hearing them over the drunken chatter wasn't an option for the girl seated so far from the action... But whatever had transpired, it was long forgotten by Kasari as a guard approached the Drakken. Something about his sudden appearance put Kasari off, her heart skipping a beat nervously as she began running possible scenarios through her head. Nothing she had imagined could have prepared her for the news the Drakken shared, a war between the most barbaric and peaceful races in all of creation. Even worse, he essentially blamed it on them. Kasari's heart dropped to her stomach, the air seeming to slip away from her reach as she stared at the table before her. She could hear Torin's instructions in her ear, Kasari fighting to do as she was told so as not to push her luck any farther... But it was an incredibly difficult battle. The air around her increased in temperature, beads of sweat forming on the skins of those sitting directly next to her. She didn't even notice her fork turning to putty in her hand as her mind raced. Images of her friends and family back home flashed through her mind, the lush fields she had played in turning to deserts as she imagined what toll a war would take on them. Despite her mind being in shock, her facial expression turned to that of hatred as each of her thoughts turned darker and darker. It was probably the closest any Gem had looked to murderous, her heart racing as she failed to find oxygen in her breaths. Surprisingly enough Kasari managed to keep herself from storming from the room (or at least attempting to), and even resorted to biting the inside of her cheek to keep from speaking out, as she knew her husband would disapprove of. As the taste of her own blood mixed with the bile in her throat, Kasari found words to express herself without causing a scene. [color=ed1c24]"I think I'm going to be sick."[/color] She hissed as she snatched up her goblet of wine and drained it, filling it up before draining it completely once more. After a few moments Kasari's head began to buzz pleasantly, the alcohol doing its job in numbing her slightly. [color=ed1c24]"I'm sorry, M'lord..."[/color] She sighed unconsciously, finally noticing the ruined fork in her closed fist. Opening her hand slowly, she winced at the imprint left behind by the object. It wasn't permanent and would fade with some time, but in her moment of pain her own fire had turned on her. Ashamed of herself Kasari placed the broken utensil down on the table and clasped her hands in her lap, comforted to feel the small lizard still curled up unaffected by the ensuing chaos around him.