[color=f26522][h2] Kalani Solle [/h2][/color] [b]Krone, sister-bride to Kaelira[/b] Kalani, always the spectator, continued to watch the trouble Kaelira was stirring once more. [i]"At least this way, Krone will not pay so much attention to me,"[/i] she thought to herself. She still could not understand how Kaelira could be so foolish and stubborn. Why did she have to pick a fight with a female Drakken? Why could she not keep her mouth shut for once? She almost wanted to laugh at the female Drakken's retort, but she didn't and only felt relief as she didn't, though Kalani would have understood completely if she did, make a scene out of it. Krone also did his best to flatter the female Drakken, probably to ensure there would be no rumors about him not being able to control his Gem bride. Afterwards, he again tried to warn Kaelira about misbehaving, though Kalani was sure the lesson would still not stick. She stared down at her plate, not feeling very hungry after all the drama, when Krone made his little "announcement". The first thing Kalani felt was sorrow. Her family and her people did not have a chance against the Drakkens, they were all going to be destroyed. But then she felt angry. Angry at the Drakkens for doing this Reaping anyways and then making it pointless because they were going to war regardless. Angry at the fact that she had gotten chosen for nothing because she had tried her best to be a good, obedient bride only to save her family that are now going to die despite her efforts. Angry at those rebels who did not realize that sometimes the few needed to be sacrificed for the greater good and have started an unwanted war. She wanted to stand up, scream, and burst into flames. But it was useless. She remained seated, her head pounding with anger while her heart ached with sorrow. She tried to hold back her tears, but a few manage to escape from her eyes. She silently dabbed them with a napkin. She had nothing now. No people to protect, no life to live, and there was definitely no one here that she cared about. She might as well be dead. She picked up the fruit Krone had put on her plate and had planned to throw it at someone, it didn't matter who. But her hands were trembling, and she simply dropped it back down. She realized that she still wanted to live. How cowardly of her.