[hr][h3][color=00667c]Praeth[/color][/h3] [color=pink]Tirza[/color] [color=ed145b]Nadia[/color] [color=gold]Araxie[/color] [hr] Praeth glanced about the room one last time before he sat himself down to eat. He analyzed the room starting with the most prominent. The bride covered in Drakken blood, Praeth watched her approach the hooded figure once more. [color=00667c][i]Ah, that one again, I wonder if that's the prince, his aura is definitely overwhelmingly powerful. A vicious bride would be fitting for one such as him.[/i][/color]. The Hellsong lord, Torin, was a blind, Praeth watched his actions and attempted to identify his method of sight. His eyes wandered to Torin's sister, Tyrai, his piercing stare could be felt by Tyrai and it remained only long enough for her to notice before Praeth's attention wandered elsewhere. Edoric had burst in, but Praeth paid him no mind, the girls behind him had obvious signs of recent hardship, Praeth could not help but look down on Edoric as a wretch who preyed on the weak. Zakroti was somewhat hard to spot, but Praeth had taken special note of him since the small being had exactly what he did not, the prowess of deceit. As expected, Araxie and Nadia sat beside him while Tirza sat across from him. The many delicacies and variety of carefully crafted dishes assaulted Praeth's senses and his mouth began to salivate. The assortment of foods before him all had a nostalgic feel to them. So he ate, although his mask remained on, his mouth was still exposed. He could still remember his favorite dishes, although they were the simple ones that appealed to a child, he could also remember the dishes he hated, the fruits he despised, he tried it all and was lost in euphoric sense of memory. That was, until a Drakken stood up and made an announcement. Praeth looked back in his memories and remembered reading up on Krone. Praeth suspected him to be the eldest of the nobles currently here, though perhaps not the most powerful. He had heard that the second prince had come for a bride as well, and Praeth saw him as likely to be the strongest being here as he was considered second to only one other Drakken. Praeth had intended to observe the prince, but he had yet to identify the Drakken entirely. Praeth listened to the words of Krone, and the expression behind his mask sharpened into a straining appearance of grit teeth. So the Drakken had declared war on the Gem populace. With the brides present no less, and only shortly after a reaping. What an advantageous time to declare war, Praeth had no doubts that this was nothing but a treacherous power grab on the Drakken king's part. What petty motives could drive such a war, Praeth couldn't grasp, but it was of greed, not wrath that this war was waged. Praeth quickly looked towards his brides with a discerning glance, processing the state of each of them. Of course, Tirza had a look of indifference about her, Praeth could only confirm helplessly that she had nothing to lose but herself. Nadia had already begun to stand, and Praeth looked at her in a somewhat worried fashion, beginning to stand himself as to move to comfort her. [color=00667c][i]This is getting bad, things may become hard to handle.[/i][/color] [color=ed145b]"May I be.. excused? I don't.. feel well.. of a sudden..."[/color] Praeth was already standing by the time Nadia had stood, but before he could say a word to calm her, she had collapsed towards the floor. Out of reflex, Praeth made a sweeping motion, gently catching Nadia before she touched the ground and slowly placed her back in her chair for the time being. Praeth looked to Araxie next, laying his palm on the small of her neck, a slender but callused finger gently traced her jawline, his intention for her to stay calm was somehow made clear through contact. Araxie could see a faint smile behind the shadows of his cloak, but Praeth soon turned away from her and towards the chaotic mash of despondent, infuriated Gems, and ecstatic Drakken nobles. [color=00667c][i]How should I make things more orderly...this will not do for maintaining control. Let's see, perhaps gaining a center of attention would bode well. It seems everyone is already focused on their own plotting, so I will catalyze this.[/i][/color] Praeth lacking in strategic expertise, and he understood that, thus he tried not to allow everyone to go without voicing their stance at-least, He also hoped to be able to probe for the prince since he had yet to identify the Drakken. A small orb of pitch black earth formed, extremely dense and no greater in size than a marble, it slowly began to burgeon and expand until it exploded under the immense inward pressure of water being added to the inside of the orb. The earth dissipated as it exploded outwards, but every disappearing shard broke the sound barrier, thus creating a fairly difficult sound to ignore. The sound originating from just above Praeth. Drawing as much attention as could be considerd feasible, long, slender of tubes about the length and width of spears surrounded Praeth, not unlike prison bars. The water undulated with his words and resonated his voice clearly. [color=00667c]"We all knew this day would come, when the Drakken greed would exceed that of the benefits of this Reaping. I, myself, have no interest in such useless things as territory and wealth, but understand, in accord to the infighting of nobility and ruthless stupidity of a foolish King, the tribes of the South will enter and exit with all your treasures before your childish plotting and squabbling will reach a conclusion. I'd advise eliminating the southern countries before invading such a stagnant and defenseless country such as the Gemminite lands."[/color] Praeth's voice was not loud, but everyone in the room felt as if he was talking to them individually, the water dissipated with his last sentence and at the corner of his eye, he spotted a phantom, daintily shrouding her smiling giggle with the fingertips of her hand, but before Praeth could turn his eyes, the figment of his imagination had already dissipated. [color=00667c][i]Perhaps it was too flashy... even she is laughing at me.[/i][/color] Praeth had no interest in invading Gem lands, it lacked the resistance to hone his own abilities and did nothing to further his goals. It was needless and he felt he would learn more by opposing the Drakken than the Gemminites. Unfortunately, he was still not confident he could gain the straightforward wrath of the entire war-like country, thus his stance remained neutral.