[quote=@Ogobrogo] Hmm...well since Scorp is a first year, you could have him like, stand up and introduce himself at this point. Cheol and Emily have just finished their intros, so honestly, we're at a good point for that. There's plenty of intro there if you want him to respond to any of the others. Meredith has already given the floor to the students, so just jumping up and announcing himself would be perfectly fine. Alternatively, we are close to a timeskip (whether to lunch or after classes, I'm not sure), so you could wait to have him interact with someone there. My opinion? Go ahead and introduce him now. If nothing else, it would at least make him recognizable to the other students in Meredith's class, so that after the skip, there are more options for naturally interacting with others. Just my two cents though. [/quote] agree with everything here. Also, I'm really, really, sorry that things have slowed down a bit. I asked Zoldyck too, but it seems as though he's not going too move us along any time soon. I'll really try to get things moving again sometime tomorrow, if I'm not too tired.