Kaite blinked in slight disbelief after the nameless figures left. He was starting to notice a pattern. With the twitch of a finger, the man known as Marcel Beauchée appeared on his arm. He couldn't explain how the person looked familiar, but there were probably a million other humans that looked just as stupid that he might've seen in his time people watching back home. [color=8882be]Home...[/color] [color=f49ac2][i]Zeis[/i] iz home, now.[/color] [color=8882be]Unt [i]zehy[/i] are my family?[/color] [color=f49ac2]Hey! Don't give me zeht look![/color] [color=8882be]Vee haf been over zeis...[/color] [color=8882be]With another light flicking motion, the mission notes scrolled up to take the place of the man's face. I had no interest in the woman whom I found repulsive; getting into so much trouble over being so fake that her very existence was- [color=f49ac2]do zeh szink vere you put imagery into your verds! Iz mine [i]favourite[/i] part of your monologues~[/color] ...Likened to a puppet with all of her parts coming with strings and complimentary plastic plates. To top it, we were expected to threaten a man's family so that we can more easily get to his employer and ruin his livelihood.[/color] [color=f49ac2]Oh tch, look at him and his record. He'll get over it.[/color] Before he knew it, Kaite was already panning through the bodyguard's information as well as his daughter, having no recollection of having changed files. He decided to roll with it as he glanced back up at Darius. "Zeis isn't like making a spooky phone call. If he knew zeht vee knew, everyszink vould fall apart..." he mused, an ear twitching as he subconsciously reached for the empty space which was once inhabited by his sandwich. Frowning at the realization, he instead stood and took his and Darius' empty trays to the return counter. In all honesty, Kaite was greatly disturbed by their mission. It wasn't just the target or the client which he despised equally for their sins, but the idea of so quickly going back to a megaclinic was something he had no intention of doing. Not for any reason or any amount of money would it ever be pleasant. The mere consideration of even hearing reference to another butcher-clone pit was enough to make him nauseous with a flicker of an anxiety attack. He hung by the trash, recomposing himself. He knew that he had a plan involving his involvement with the mission, but it would very easily be the worst idea in his life. [color=8882be]...Maybe [i]I[/i] should be in charge of procuring the daughter.[/color] The job would be easy enough, hang around and make sure she doesn't escape and then make a call to 'daddy dearest' when the job goes down. Maybe give her a little cut for motivation to be extra convincing when explaining that he'd kill her if he didn't let the suspicious interns off his boss. [color=f49ac2] I love zeht little glint in your eye vehn you know you haf to be bad~[/color] [color=8882be]Maybe I can verk him into helpink us vith zeh promise of my pay, iz not like I need zeh money since room and board iz free. I may not need to hurt her...[/color] [color=f49ac2]Zehr you go, ruiningk a good thing...[/color] [color=8882be]You honestly believe [i]zeht[/i] iz zee hard part?[/color] Kaite's attention was obviously on the rest of the group as if expecting them to devolve back to snarling animals at the first chance they could get. He wondered if they even had thoughts about the mission, since they still had a few days to work out their problems and undoubtedly cause more along the way. But no, the problem wasn't with trying to get them to cooperate. It was with starting. What would he say? [i][COLOR=Gray]'Oh, sup dudes! I have just the perfect idea about threatening people's jobs and family health![/COLOR][/i] [color=f49ac2][i]Ehh...[/i] I see vaht you mean.[/color] [color=8882be]I'm probably goink to try and talk to zehm, individually.[/color] [color=f49ac2]Here's to hopink zeht you have enough time...[/color] [color=8882be]Best get started.[/color] Kaite rested his hand on his chair as he caught himself staring, silently hoping they hadn't noticed. Turning his attention back to Darius, he offered a small 'ehem' before saying, "So...[i]dude[/i]...I haf just zee [i]perfect[/i] idea regardink kidnappink a girl unt threatenink her father." He'd composed the words to sound facetiously sarcastic, an attempt at humor to make light of the situation and coincidentally, break the ice.