[b]Name:[/b] Samuel Spark AKA Sam

[b]Race:[/b] Drow

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Age:[/b] 22

[b]Birthday:[/b] 61th day of Mauven, 277 DM

[b]Birthplace:[/b] Unknown

[b]Resides in:[/b] Wilderness, currently between Green Fall and Silent Rise.

[b]Occupation:[/b] Hunter

[b]Appearance:[/b] Sam is mostly seen in camouflaged hooded clothes, which helps him with the hunting. He also has green deep eyes and white short hair.

[b]Personality:[/b] He is much of a loner. He likes to be on his own: when hunting, when sleeping, when eating, almost always.

[b]History:[/b] Sam was born somewhere in the wilderness, as his parents were traveling hunters. He learned from his parents while being young how he needed to hunt, using traps, but mostly using archery and stealth. He, his parents and the rest of their small traveling company lived like this for a long while.

Sam lately discovered that he has illusion powers, as he was hunting with his group, and could get as close to the animal without it even noticing it was right next to it. After killing it, he noticed he couldn't see himself anymore, like he was invisible. Scared for what the rest of the group or even their biggest ally, the Ebonfort, might think, he hid his powers ever since.

[b]Skills:[/b] Stealth (40), Archery (20), hunting (20) Trapping (10), Dagger (10), Cooking (10), Illusion (10).

Quantity | Item | Acquired | Value
1 | Leather Armor, Hunter's | Starting | 10 GP
1 | Quiver | Starting | Free
1 | Dagger | Starting | 2 GP
1 | Longbow | Starting | 75 GP
30 | Arrows | Starting | 3 SP
1 | Tent | Starting | 10 GP
1 | Pot, Iron | Starting | 5 SP
1 | Backpack (Empty) | Starting | 2GP
1 | Bedroll | Starting | 1 SP
1 | Peasant's Clothes | Starting | 1 SP

Cost | Item | Subtotal
+100 GP | Starting Money | 100 GP 0 SP 0 CP
+1000 GP | Extra Money for not having a house | 1100 GP 0 SP 0 CP

[b]Story List:[/b]
Date - URL - Characters involved
12th of Crimsia - [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/84627-the-chill-of-death-ebonfort/ic]The Chill of Death[/url] - Samuel Spark