[color=fff79a][h2]Tyrai Hellsong[/h2][/color] As she reclaimed her seat, Tyrai felt a pair of eyes boring into her. She let her gaze sweep over the room without turning her head, and while she couldn't be certain she was fairly confident in guessing the one so interested was a mysterious masked man. [i]Praeth[/i]. The name swirled around in her head, but that's all it was: a name, there was nothing else she knew about the man. Her gaze lingered on him but her face remained expressionless. It was barely a minute before everything happened at once. Edoric burst in, fool that he was, and made a good show of insanity. Krone relayed the declaration of war. Prince Rynek decided to reveal himself to the rest of them. The wench next to her even decided now would be a good time to throw a fit and knock her place setting on the floor. The entire room erupted in an excited chatter. Many guards and servants were suddenly sent on errands, Torin's being no exception, and some patrons even got up and left altogether. Through the storm of excitement, Lady Hellsong calmly sipped mead and daintily placed savory bites of whatever happened to be on her plate into her mouth. She probably had the best table manners among everyone in this room, Drakken men didn't care for proper dining techniques and their brides, well, most of them were too shaken up to worry about that kind of thing. Tyrai was the very image of perfection in the midst of chaos, and while she was only a woman it gave her a certain aura of control. After Rynek announced himself, she couldn't help but steal glances at him every now and again. He seemed to be throwing a temper tantrum, and sat sulking in his chair like a scolded child. It was rather amusing to see someone of his standing acting so immaturely. She let a condescending smile play briefly across her lips before plucking up a juicy red grape and popping it in her mouth. Now he was looking at her. She pretended not to notice while contemplating her next move, then it occurred to her, so simple: The room was quite warm with all the people and excitement. She reached up and undid the clasp around her neck that was holding the fur stole in place. It slid down to drape over the back of her chair, revealing her pale throat, shoulders, and a plunging neckline that Torin would scold her for. [i]If he could see it,[/i] she thought to herself with some measure of amusement as she swept a hand beneath her golden curls, lifting them from the back of her neck momentarily to cool off. Raising the goblet for another drink, she caught Rynek's eye and unabashedly held his gaze as she drained the cup. She set it down and hid a smile, looking away as if the Prince were only a temporary amusement that she'd quickly grown bored of. At that moment, a shockwave reverberated throughout the room, drawing all eyes to Praeth as he gave his little speech. Tyrai pondered his words for a moment, keeping her attention on him. He'd seemed more than casually interested in her a moment ago, and she made a show of being intrigued by his presence, wondering if he would look her way again.