[quote=@Li] [@Daisuke], so you mean to say that we'll be playing two characters each? If so, that's fine with me! As for romance, I like romance but clean romance so if anything is implied, I'd have to fade it to black. I'm fine with LGBT relationship. You mentioned you like lesbian pairings in your post so I can go with that but I'd rather be the (this how my friends and I tell it like it is to each other) the "uke", if that's okay. ^^; [/quote] Yeah that's what I meant. Sorry for not being clear :p. I felt like we should both have one of each /shrugs. tbh I don't want to do any romance that involves sexual themes anyway. Seeing as Splatoon is a kid's game, it'd be cute to have cute lesbian (or straight) squid/octopus couples owo. I don't really care about the uke/seme stuff since I usually associate it with sex so whatever floats your boat man 8)