[center][h3][i][color=a251bf]Aymiria Cassiel[/color][/i][/h3] [sub][color=a251bf]Sister-wife of Amaryllis Stone; Bride of Zakroti Unalim.[/color][/sub][/center] Miry was trying (and failing) to keep her composure. She hadn’t expected Zakroti to just leave the banquet, and certainly hadn’t expected him to listen to her immediately. [b] "Your sister is in chains, Krone announces war and you want to speak with me in private. I am going to assume you want my assistance in some way, correct?"[/b] Alright. One step at a time. First she used a simple magic trick, diverting the wind so that it would carry her words directly to Zakroti’s ears, so that not even his guards could hear her. It was a trick that all Air gems learned before they turned 10. [color=a251bf] “S-sir.. M-my l-lord… M-most G-Gemmnites a-are… a-are cow-wards. I know I a-am… I c-could n-never fight f-for w-what I b-believe i-in.”[/color] She had absolutely no idea where she was going with the thought. After all, why should Zakroti care about her people? Why would he care? She felt her will crumbling and fell silent for a moment, not daring to look at the warlord. Tears sprang to her eyes and angrily she wiped them away. Here was a perfect opportunity, perhaps their only opportunity. She’d have to find the words to say it, or else the Gemminites would entirely be slaughtered. [color=a251bf] “B-but s-some of my people… th-they’re d-different. A-Asta is d-different. She… W-when we were l-little, a-all of our c-cousins got t-taken as p-prizes. E-every s-s-sing-gle o-one of them, a-as soon as they were o-old enough. A-and we s-saw how i-it b-broke th-their f-f-family. A-and A-Asta got m-mad, y-you know? A-and she m-made a p-pact with s-s-some o-of the boys i-in the town—She’d a-always b-been f-fri-iends with t-them, m-more than a-any other g-girl—T-that they w-would f-f-fight back a-against the L-Lords who c-came to take t-their s-sisters a-and c-cousins and f-friends.”[/color] Nervously Miry wiped at her eyes, though for once they were dry. [color=a251bf]”S-she was-sn’t the o-only one w-who, w-wanted to do s-s-somet-thing ab-bout it. B-but she was the m-most o-organized, a-and the m-most w-well-prep-pared. B-by the time she was f-fift-teen, she h-had a n-network of sp-pies and f-f-fight-ters, a-all through o-our kingd-dom. Y-you k-know the G-Gemminites d-don’t really h-have a milit-tary, a-at least, not more t-than our R-Royal G-Guard. B-but A-Asta made an u-undergound one, for j-just something like t-this.”[/color] Miry dared to look up at Zakroti, trying to gauge the Drakken’s reaction. [color=a251bf] “The o-only thing I a-ask is t-that you l-let me w-write l-letters. L-let me w-write t-three l-letters a-and e-ensure they a-are del-livered. Y-you d-don’t have t-to do a-anything, y-you can d-deny a-all a-attachment. J-just l-let me w-write t-three let-ters. O-one to R-Ridian Anar-rin, b-because h-he c-can get word to e-everyon-ne i-in the p-palace. One t-to Iral a-and Id-dasu Tyridur, b-because they w-were A-Asta’s c-closest f-friends. A-and one to P-Princess Annaveya, bec-cause she is m-more likely t-to bel-lieve me t-than her p-parents.”[/color] She fell silent and unwound the air from around the two of them, no longer daring to look at Zakroti for fear of what action her words might bring. [color=a251bf] “I k-know I s-shouldn’t be a-asking this, but… y-you s-seem t-to know… Y-you s-seem like y-you c-c-care.”[/color] a faint blush coloring her cheeks, the tiny girl hastily tried to undo the damage that the question might have done. [color=a251bf] “P-please don’t b-be mad at m-me… I j-just want m-my p-peop-ple to have a f-fighting ch-chance…”[/color]