[h2]Krone the Scream Taker[/h2] Brides Kalani and Kaelira The room was a furry of words and Lords sending men to deliver messages. In all rights they should be sending men to get their affairs in order before the invasion. Most he knew had business in slave trade or trade in other goods. Krone knew what would happen to the people of Gemminia, most of these lords men would take hold of any female they came across. He would have to make sure that didn't happen with his, as no lowly Drakken grunt should pass on their genes. If any of his men got a female pregnant, the child would be recognized as his and not the grunts. And said grunt would be punished for doing so. As being head of his house, he decided who was aloud to take mates. But those children would still be recognized as his. So in short he had five children, two of his blood and three claimed as his. Though most would of thought that he was lost in thought, they would be wrong. He was ever vigilant, taking note of very move very word spoken. This was what he was trained for, to gather information about anything and everything. He was [i]the[/i] torturer, one that even the King sent enemies to, to get information or just to torture. He had to carefully watch and gage his subjects to make sure that he didn't over do it. So when Praeth suddenly tried to get people's attention, Krone was unsurprised by his words. Though he did raise an eyebrow, if the young lord wasn't for Drakken greed then why did he have three wives? Why not take one? The young one spoke before thinking that was clear. [color=lightblue]"Odd you would speak of Drakken greed when you yourself took three brides, when all the rest took no more than two."[/color] He said in a near icy voice that held a rather bored tone as well. [color=lightblue]"You take this invasion in a wrong frame of mind young one. Your bride there,"[/color] He said gesturing towards Tirza. [color=lightblue]"Did you not warn her of punishment if she continued with certain behaviors? And if she continued to mock you and then tried to hurt you, would you not make good on said punishment?..... I advise that you brush up on your history young one, as there had been many times that war between the two countries has been averted. But not now, not when they bite our hand."[/color] He explained as he had the air bring Praeth's scent to him. That was when he remembered the young lords scent, but it was not one he had smelled in a long time. He looked at the young lord for a moment longer, his face like stone though he allowed a small glint in his eyes show. It would let the Lord know that he knew something, what exactly he would not know. Krone took note of Kaelira clumsiness then her needing to use the lavatory. He looked at her plate and noticed something was off, but he wasn't sure what. Looking over his shoulder he gave a silent command to one of his men, what it was for no one would know. But it wasn't for anyone else to know anyway. Krone then looked at Kalani noticing that she was trying hard to control her anger and her sadness. But a few tears did run down her cheeks. He realized that he had neglected her, though he was sure she welcomed the neglect. He gently took her hand in his and lifted it to his lips in a gentle kiss. [color=lightblue]"I am sorry for neglecting you, your sister bride is most..... difficult."[/color] He said. As he looked Kalani in the eyes he dropped his mask of ice and indifference, instead his eyes and his features showed a softness that would be shocking to everyone. He wanted at least one of his brides to trust and be loyal to him. [color=lightblue]"My dear, let me give you something. It's the only thing that you will care about, I will try to make sure that nothing happens to your family. I can't promise that none will be hurt once my men go in, but I do promise I will try. You have my word."[/color] He said in a soft tone. He kissed her hand again gently, his features were still soft and warm. But as soon as he sat up straight his cold and indifferent exterior was back. The side the Kalani saw was one that he reserved for only a few, she was lucky to have seen it so soon. Krone saw Kaelira slide back into her seat from the corner of his eye. But what he really took notice of was her sudden change in scent. She smelled aroused, but why? Why the sudden change? If he knew anything about his new bride was that she did things before thinking, but this.... this was different. She was planning something, but what? He felt her hand on his lap and he looked slowly in her direction. His eyes were cold and unnerving. He took Kaelira's hand and moved it off his lap, which was rather hard to do as her scent was strong. But he then commanded the air to move so that it capture the scent and keep it close to his bride. Though part of the damage was done, he knew that she had a desire. [color=lightblue]"Of course my dear, I have over three hundred years to perfect them. You will be satisfied, broken, but satisfied...."[/color] He said in a slight cold purr as he stroked her side, though he was sure she was acting. Why he still wasn't sure. [hr] [h2]Raya T'mivus[/h2] Torin Hellsong, sister bride to Kasari Raya barely noticed that Torin was holding her hand, she barely heard what he said. She was lost in her own head, as she thought of her family. They would be slaughtered, her family were simple farmers. If anything, she was the fighter in the family. She was the one spent time in the forest and did things that no normal Gem would do. She knew how to fight, how to shoot a bow, but her family? No, they didn't know much about such things. Taking a deep slow breath, she slowly pulled her hand away from his. She didn't mean to touch him, just the shock of it all was nearly too much. She watched Torin begin to eat again she knew that he probably didn't care much about their distress. He could after all gain much from this war as a great deal of the men in the room. Raya looked over at Kasari and noticed the melted fork and wondered if the girl used a lot of her power? And if she was feeling weak or dizzy, but then she noticed that the girls cup was completely empty of wine. [color=green]"Is your family close to the Drakken border?"[/color] She asked lowly. Her own family was in the northern part of Gemminia, so she knew that they would have some time to get away. But those close to the border wouldn't be so lucky. The thought was saddening, but she had to be strong like her element. She sent a silent prayer to the Great Mother, she hoped that her patron goddess would hear her and help. Looking at some of the other Gems, she noticed that some were begging, while others trying to seduce their new husbands. But most were still in too much shock to do anything much less try to flatter their husbands. She fell in that last group, plus she was no good with flattery. She was not interested in girly things or behavior. She was "too wild" but now she felt like a wounded or caged animal with no chance of escape. Those feelings were made worse as she would be forced to watch her home burn. [i][color=green]Powerless, it is hopeless. Just lay on your back and try to please your husband[/color][/i] She thought as she looked down at her hands. But as despair nearly consumed her, she felt a part if her suddenly buck up. It was like an Earth tremor, one that shook for a second before disappearing. A small smirk played on her lips as she knew that it was a sign from her goddess to keep fighting and to not despair. [color=green]"I am not hungry,my Lord."[/color] She said softly before giving a warm smile to Kasari, hoping that she could give a little hope to her sister wife. [hr] [h2]Tirza R'Miva[/h2] Praeth, sister bride to Nadia and Araxie Tirza found the buzzing of the room which had been going on rather exciting. She liked watching the drama, it was better than watching the kids at the orphanage fight over who took whose hair brush. Of course it was she that took their hair brush and planted it in someone else's things. Hey, it got boring in that place and she needed to do something from going insane. All this drama though didn't keep her from eating. She wasn't going to miss a meal for a simple announcement. Though she took note of Nadia stand and then faint, luckily though Praeth caught her. He had fast reflexes, that was a good thing to know. She watched as he gently placed the little Gem back in her seat then looking and gently stroking Araxie's cheek. She found herself almost gagging, she didn't like affection. But then she was never given any. She was pulled from her thoughts when Praeth suddenly spoke up about not wanting to take part of the war. And she couldn't help but think him as stupid for not wanting to. Gemminia had resources that he could probably use, not from her lands either. He could form contacts that could further him in the political game. But he lacked fore sight. It was probably a bad thing that she thought like this, but her people weren't really her people. That was when the large Drakken the gave the announcement of war, corrected her husband. Though she didn't feel all that comfortable with him looking at her, his eyes were cold and she felt the need to scream. She swallowed hard before looking away from the Drakken and looking at Praeth. She was suddenly happy she had him as a husband and she felt a little sorry for the girls of that older Drakken Lord. [color=pink]"Are we going back to your chamber my Lord?"[/color] She purred. Though it was probably not a good idea to have a fainted bride in a room full of Drakken men. But then what would she know? She was just moments before flirting with the Drakken Lord next to her. Which she suddenly wanted to do again. Goddess she was troublesome. [hider=summary] Krone corrects Praeth about the coming war and tells him he is just as greedy as the rest of them with the taking of three wives. He then shows Kalani a softer side of himself and makes her a promise to try to protect her family. Krone is then turned on by Kaelira, though he is sure she is planning something. As he has been nothing but trouble so far..... Raya is having a small mental brake down. She is worrying about her family, knowing that Torin won't let them send word to family. She still trying to make Kasari feel a little better. Tirza is simply eating and thinking about getting into trouble. [s]Someone spank her already and send her to her room! Lol[/s] [/hider]