Zakroti slowly folded his arms as Miry began to speak to him, talking of Gemmnites being cowardly and weak with no wish to fight, equating herself to them. He couldn't help but break a smile, for it was either extremely brave or extremely stupid of her to have taken him aside to presumably ask him to give some form of aide to what was now officially his foe, there were a few was she could have gone about this but apparently he decision was to speak to a warlord known for brutally slaughtering people... Amusing. "For someone who says they can't fight for what they believe in, you're doing an awfully good job of it so far." He commented wryly before letting her continue [b] “B-but s-some of my people… th-they’re d-different. A-Asta is d-different. She… W-when we were l-little, a-all of our c-cousins got t-taken as p-prizes. E-every s-s-sing-gle o-one of them, a-as soon as they were o-old enough. A-and we s-saw how i-it b-broke th-their f-f-family. A-and A-Asta got m-mad, y-you know? A-and she m-made a p-pact with s-s-some o-of the boys i-in the town—She’d a-always b-been f-fri-iends with t-them, m-more than a-any other g-girl—T-that they w-would f-f-fight back a-against the L-Lords who c-came to take t-their s-sisters a-and c-cousins and f-friends.”[/b] He deliberately wiped the smile from his face as he listened to her story about her cousins being taken, nodding in understanding at her story. But it all sounded irrelevant. Asta and these 'boys' were certainly not soldiers and none of them had the experience of the Drakken under their belt, especially not as many Drakken had lived several lifetimes of Gems spent in war and on the battle field. [b]”S-she was-sn’t the o-only one w-who, w-wanted to do s-s-somet-thing ab-bout it. B-but she was the m-most o-organized, a-and the m-most w-well-prep-pared. B-by the time she was f-fift-teen, she h-had a n-network of sp-pies and f-f-fight-ters, a-all through o-our kingd-dom. Y-you k-know the G-Gemminites d-don’t really h-have a milit-tary, a-at least, not more t-than our R-Royal G-Guard. B-but A-Asta made an u-undergound one, for j-just something like t-this.”[/b] When Miry looked up towards him, she would see a face which was half in pity and half in amusement at the thought of an army of youth trying to fend off the berserking forces many of the other Drakken warlords had, and even if they managed to miraculously defeat the more disorganised there were always those who trained their soldiers professionally and had them fight in organised ranks to contend with. [b]“The o-only thing I a-ask is t-that you l-let me w-write l-letters. L-let me w-write t-three l-letters a-and e-ensure they a-are del-livered. Y-you d-don’t have t-to do a-anything, y-you can d-deny a-all a-attachment. J-just l-let me w-write t-three let-ters. O-one to R-Ridian Anar-rin, b-because h-he c-can get word to e-everyon-ne i-in the p-palace. One t-to Iral a-and Id-dasu Tyridur, b-because they w-were A-Asta’s c-closest f-friends. A-and one to P-Princess Annaveya, bec-cause she is m-more likely t-to bel-lieve me t-than her p-parents.”[/b] The princess! The Princess was going to try and stop a Drakken invasion! He couldn't contain a chuckle as he approached her slowly, speaking to her in a slightly amused tone that clearly carried doubts about the possible effectiveness of this course of action "First, I am in no way mad with you." He gave her a friendly smile as he said that that clearly indicated we was entirely unperturbed by the request, but it quickly faded and his face became steely "Miry, how many of these gems have fought in a war? The Drakken hordes are not some inexperienced invading force, these are hardened warriors each with decades if not centuries of warfare under their belt, each one is capable of taking on a dozen Astaelins single handedly. How are their leaders? How many of them have defended keeps, held mountain passes from hordes of monstrous creatures, destroyed their enemies on the battle field in an even fight or even when outnumbered? They have no power to stop the Drakken, they will merely get themselves slaughtered by the bucket load. How many have stood on a battlefield as crossbow bolts, arrows, fireballs and rocks fly towards them, ordered to stand in position to wait for the right moment even as their friends are cut down around them? Do they even have a figure to lead them, one who is not just skilled in commanding armies but inspires such loyalty and has such a presence that their underlings will not flee from the field mid combat? Have they established supply lines, bases, watchtowers; Have they forged armour and equipment and trained enough to have competent archers, pikemen, swordsmen, cavalry, crossbowmen and artillery all capable of fighting as an effective unit? If the answer to any of this is 'no' then you would not be giving them a fighting chance you would be sending them to their doom. Your Kingdom is not just assailed by the Drakken but by all manner of monstrosities which the Drakken had been holding back at the cost of their own blood. What makes you think this army of youth have any hope?" Zakroti paused for a moment in consideration as he thought about his own plans and how this bride might be more of a boon to them than he had first expected after all. He smiled again and took a step in advance towards her, kneeling down so that he was level with her and speaking in a hushed tone to her. "I know what its like to be the weak, small one being assailed by strong and large foes- and I know how to beat them off. Tell me everything you know about these rebels and we'll see about sending these letters- and maybe more." [centre]***[/centre] Kzaar stalked his way through the crowds, knocking several nobles aside with a growl as he did, eyeing everyone in the crowd up until he at last found the girl he was looking for, with her unkempt hair and flawed skin. He placed a big, armoured hand onto her shoulder and turned her to face him, noting that her eyes were staring at him with a burning dislike. "Lord Unalim commands that you follow." Kzaar grunted as he returned her glare, moving his free hand down to his sword, ready to submit her if she resisted him. She did not act on her annoyed look, however, and he led her from the banquet hall and down the corridors and up the winding stone staircase into the chamber, nodding to the blackguard by the door to the balcony who opened it up to let the pair onto the balcony. Zakroti turned his head to glance at them and gave a quick nod to the pair to acknowledge their arrival, which Kzaar returned.