[center] [u][b]A few days later[/b][/u] [/center] [center] [img] http://img06.deviantart.net/0c36/i/2009/023/e/c/submarine_by_cristianci.jpg [/img] [/center] The jumble of students converged on Secundarium Dock in the early hours of the morning, slowly shambling onto the deep-sea transport that bobbed up and down in the opening of calm water at the end of the pier. The Submersible resembled a great long metallic tube, with a huge glass-like dome at its centre. Two steely pincers used for transporting cargo back and forth protruded from the front of the submersible, and duel fuel cells were welded onto its back. Chantrea rubbed the sleep from her eyes, letting out a loud open-mouthed yawn as she pulled her hemp coat tightly over her large frame. The young woman’s blonde/red hair was tied up in pig tails, and thick bags hung under her emerald green eyes. She was makeup-less, having planned to put it on during the trip. A fierce breeze was tearing through the dock, slipping in through the large arch at the end of the see-through chamber which led to the dark blue waters above. The Submersible hummed loudly, its mechanical engine whirring away, as it rocked gently back and forth in the current. The plan was simple; Take the submersible to London, then board the Euro-shuttle to Paris and the mission would be underway. Chantrea shuffled sleepily onto the Submersible, taking a leaping step off of the metallic dock, over a thin sliver of sea water, and through the vessel’s circular open door. The interior of the deep sea transport was vast and roomy, with long rows of leather seats and felt covered tables lining its sides. The young woman found herself a spacious booth in the corner, chucking her large backpack down onto the seat next to her, before opening up a holographic mirror through her head implant and beginning to apply dark red lipstick.