Well this place is the uniofficial cringe/troll thread on Rpg,so I guess I have nothing to lose, and nothing to win. I now look like a complete fool.~R.I.Pepperoni ManiacMaestro~ I was rekt by cringe,spaghetti, and mostly half-assing my post and not taking more time into google searching my facts. Damn you internet , you rek everything. This epitaph to my fake virtual grave is getting long so it will stop here... but appropriately cringeworthy inaccuracies aside, you know what we haven't cringed upon yet, Homestuck.(oh my god, someone criticizing something about something they like. HOLY SHIT, somebody capture this damn moment!!!! Oh boy, Socially awkward emo teenagers can ruin anything for you can't they ,for said teenagers have created the most large-scale,crazy far reaching fan war in the history of the internet so far and on fucking tumblr. Then the next thing I know rule 34 fucks up everything and people on youtube are accused of enjoying that shit, (the rule 34.) all because of some socially-awkward, angsty,emo teenagers. If they and neck-beards fused, we would all be fucked Rant over for the day, come back some other time. but this is what I wanted to show you[url]https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRxqFQoTCKiO_7q0mMcCFYiMDQodRmEP5Q&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cringechannel.com%2Fforums%2Ftopic%2Fheres-some-homestuck-cringe%2F&ei=dWXFVej_DIiZNsbCvagO&psig=AFQjCNHbegnzHcHd1rYLs0szIBELXDT7Bg&ust=1439086284002949[/url] If you clink on the link,[@Dinh AaronMk]I pray for your very soul. Godspeed My brother in Cringe and cringe collecting. you will need it and every bit of bravery you have.