Finding her self up at 5 ish didn't really bother Angie. Giving her time to carefully plan and put on her outfit; her grey tank with the vest along with her light blue skirt and her blood red flats. A quick brush of mascara as usual and light pink lipstick was next. A few brushes and her short hair was unknotted. She knew it was mission day, and keeping up her shy apperence had made it the entire time without revealing anything about her to her comerads. Her plan was simple, wiggle her way up to the top guys side. From there teamwork would be needed. Packing up her bag she inserted the tablet in a secret compartment. Just to keep it safe. Along with other things she would need. Going to the main hall, she told the machine to just give her some toast with butter. Finding it quite filling she made her way seemingly undisturbed by the commotion around her to the loading docks. There was some gossip along the meal tables, but she barely listened to it. Her mind was on memorizing most of the lay-out of the sanctuary. Trying to put together a good excuse for her backstory. And gathering intel on the boss of this company. It wasn't bad being how she was. Finding herself less stressful than when she was alone In the world. Having human voices did somewhat keep her relaxed. Though the same went for robotic voices. Though they never really spoke to her. Carrying the small bag on her shoulder she entered the submersible looking around with a happy smirk on her face. Angie found a seat one away from Tas, placing her bag in the space between Tas's bag and her. [i]Okay team lets not fudge this up. [/i]