[color=f7941d]“Aw geez, Ten-Ten, I’m really sorry about that. But, uh, didn’t I tell you that I never killed your dad? Yeah, I think some other blonde girl did it. She had these giant scissors that were sharper than my teeth…oh ho! But hey come on now, no need to lose your way over this,”[/color] Donna said casually as she blocked the attack without turning, her kendo stick guarding herself. She twisted around, rearing back to smack the girl with her side of her weapon when a sudden blur stopped her. For the second time that day, Donna found her hand free of her kendo stick, grasping nothing but thin air. Mirdori would find her self defenseless as well as the gust of wind sped by them both. Donna knew what the phenomenon was and merely sighed, shark grin never wavering as she spotted her downed kendo stick a few feet away. [color=f7941d]“Oh ho, well we’re gonna have to finish this sometime later Ten-Ten. See, the boss doesn’t like us fighting apparently. Heh, so…wanna be roommates? No? Hey, hey, I’m kidding!”[/color] The passing blur was indeed the Head Director herself. Saya had given orders for both Kaede and Izumi to handle the First, Second, and Third Year hallways. She left it to the two to split the work amongst them. That meant taking care of Jun, Mashuka, and pretty much anyone else still left clueless of what to do next. Yes, even the cheerleader. Speaking of which, Katie would feel a massive gust of wind pass her by as Saya barreled into the auditorium, blocking everyone’s entrance now. Her blood red gaze swept over the massive group of students still deciding if it was really worth becoming an assassin at this point. Then she focused on certain individuals, going from Addie, Sayaka, Minako, Sasha, and finally resting on her own flesh and blood. Rei glared right back before averting her eyes. [color=ed1c24]“Can someone tell me what exactly is going on here?”[/color] Saya asked icily, crossing her arms as she waited for an excusable answer. Because right now, all five of them had a date with detention. That being said, the Head Director made a mental note to put Sasha and Minako in the same dorm room together. They both needed to be kept an eye on.