Suddenly the white haired girl ended up pulling Sayaka from top of the small slender girl, the white haired girl began to tie up the slender girl and tried to pull Sayaka away from the fight."[color=0076a3] Wait a minute ! I don't need any help, I was telling you to go not get me ![/color]" Sayaka told Addie as she pulled her arm like she was crazy, then that's when things got serious, Rei's sister arrived and glared at everyone. At this moment Sayaka then noticed that Rei and Saya were sisters, she got a good look of them from her position and smiled under bandages, and weirdly her heart fluttered when she saw Saya, her eyes were locked onto Saya's breast and she didn't get a word that the silver haired director said she didn't care she was just marveling at the director's body and undressed the director with her eyes." [color=0076a3]I-ugh..We..Did..Thing..With..The...The girl...And...Kept..Safe...Her..Yeah.[/color]" This was all Sayaka could manage utter, she then stopped oggling Saya and tried to stand up straight like she wasn't just perving over a woman way older than herself. ------------------------------------ As Izumi was gathering students that were falling from the ceiling and taking them to rooms she got a message and check her holophone and when the holographic screen appeared in front of Izumi she didn't express any emotion when she got her classmate's message, she just sent back a plain message saying." [color=39b54a]You shouldn't take things out of context, I'm not into feeling pain or being hurt by another person, your teasing doesn't inspire moral within me, try to forget my number if your gonna make time wasting jokes.[/color]" She sent the message to the girl's phone as student fell from the ceiling from a duct grate. Izumi put the student into a choke sleeper hold and then put them into the correct dorm where they belonged, as she continued her search for more stragglers she wondered if Saya was okay and wondered if saya was angry right now about something, she felt weirdly edgy at the moment as she continued her mission to put more of the students in their proper places.