The cheerleader paused in her tracks, as she felt an abnormally strong presence of wind. This blast of gust was so strong that it caused Katie to lose balance [color=fff200]"W-Wooaaah!"[/color] she squeaked out startled by the event. Her pupils were dilated as she flailed both of her pom poms around in an attempt to regain balance. However her noble effort was for naught as the wind did in fact knock her flat on her butt.

Currently in a sitting position Katie turned her head from side to side glancing around, watching in a dazed state. [color=fff200]"Like my gosh that was [i]weird[/i]."[/color] Shaking her head the cheerleader sprung back upright. Katie beamed a cheerful grin as she flung both of her hands upwards. Lowering back down her arms, Katie began to ponder.

[color=fff200]"Hmmm..."[/color] Katie mused out as she puffed out her lower lip in thought. Slowly she tilted her head to the right and put her left hand, pom pom held upon her hip. [color=fff200]"Like what now?"[/color] She openly pondered upon aloud. That gust of wind was a strange event and Katie knew she needed to get back to something. She just wasn't sure exactly what she needed to get back to.