Leon grinned. He liked Jun already. [color=f26522]"I've had my eye on this dorm for awhile,"[/color] Leon explained. [color=f26522]"But since there's room, I guess I'll move in. You can call me Leo, by the way,"[/color] he added. He took his [url=https://www.leatherhandmadebags.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/1000x1000/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/c/r/crossbody-bag_2.jpg]crossbody[/url] bag off and set it at his feet, looking around the room. There seemed to be two bunk beds; one by the window, and the other one by the door. He tossed his bag onto the top bunk by the window, climbed the ladder, and lay on his back, his head hanging over the edge as he looked at the other two boys. [color=f26522]"I call dibs, amici,"[/color] he grinned. Then he was struck by how much him and Jun looked alike. Same blonde hair and green eyes-although Jun had a different body type, and Leon almost swore Jun had longer lashes. [color=f26522]"Hey Jun, we could pass as fratelli, did you notice?"[/color] He grinned. [color=f26522]"I say we use it to our advantage, sì? Could come in handy."[/color] [hr] [@Mcmolly][@ReaptheMusic]