[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Hey great character! Party trick is a particular skill your character has that might be able to impress a crowd at a party, like juggling or hand stands. btw we already have a character who goes by the name Rosa for short, just letting you know. Maybe have a nicknake or change the first name for convenience? [/quote] So maybe something like impressions or making cards dance? Do you mind if I just change the spelling of her name to Roza? It's the Russian version so it's not much of a stretch. [quote=@Stern Algorithm] Hi ViolentViolet, I like the character. I know what word you actually wanted to say, but please, for the love of all that is good, correct the typo I have [b]bolded [/b] in the quote. [/quote] Oh jesus. I didn't even notice that. I am sooo embarrassed now. Spell check didn't even go off >_< [@IrishAngelQueen] Thank you for the help Angel! I thought it looked imteresting and I'm having a hard time typing longer posys for my other groups right now :/