Sasha smiled, before giving a small but neat curtsey towards the Head Director. "I do believe that something of interest may have happened, but only towards younger children. For someone in your standing, this was nothing more than a trivial fight over trivial topics." Despite still seemingly calm as usual, right now she was feeling cold sweat run down her back. Even within the organization, Saya had a incredible reputation, with plenty of rumors flying about easily. She was a veteran. Sasha probably couldn't even get a scratch on her if they fought. She continued speaking after collecting her thoughts. "Senpai here seemed to believe that the school was only meant for those with strength, and thus wanted to weed out the weak." Despite being a third year, she used 'senpai' to refer to the older of the girls, who seemed to be in second year. "However, the Kohai's might've misunderstood her logic, and thus a fight ensued. Oh, and the little white one there was in the wrong place at the wrong time, thereby being the catalyst for the fight." Hopefully explaining out the situation as truthfully as possible while making it sound as mundane as well, Sasha mentally held her breath.