[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@ViolentViolet] well you want to talk to the other chap who works at the casino in this RP [@Summer] but I assume it would maybe be serving drinks, exhchnanging chips for money, that sort of thing. Maybe you could enter the RP as working there for your first day? [/quote] Ooh, that would be perfect :D I could totally see her shadowing with Jun if it's her first day on the job! Oh and I'd love to help out with the casino jobs~ [@ViolentViolet] The ones I listed below are the kinds of jobs Roza could start out working in ^_^ [color=6ecff6][b]Dealer[/b][/color] [i](Jun's position)[/i] -Responsible for running one or more casino games such as Roulette, Bingo, Poker, Blackjack, etc... -Watches game players for signs of cheating (faulty equipment, cards, etc...) -(card games) Deals cards to players and deals all house cards during the game -exchanges chips for money and handles bets -resolves disputes between players; alerts security if necessary -entices guests at the casino to play more games -assists in training new dealers [color=6ecff6][b]Cashier[/b][/color] -handles paperwork and monetary transactions -works in the 'cage,' where tokens, tickets, and chips are exchanged for money -runs credit checks on guests with credit accounts -balances the books [color=6ecff6][b]Cocktail Waitress[/b][/color] -delivers food and beverages to guests -entices guests to come back [color=6ecff6][b]Bartender[/b][/color] -responsible for making and serving drinks -provides hospitable customer service to entice guests to come back -resolves disputes between guests -keeps watch for suspicious behavior in guests; alerts security if necessary