[color=00aeef]Kameyo felt something thud on top of her.[/color] [i]Ughh what the...?[/i] [color=fff200]"I need food to deal with this madness, so you have to get up and get dressed,"[/color] [color=00aeef]Kame opened her eyes to find Nori draped all over her[/color] "Nori, what is i.." [color=fff200]"It's almost noon, we gotta get a move on, darlin'!"[/color]  [color=00aeef]As Nori started wriggling all over her, now wide awake, Kameyo spasmed and accidentally rolled off the couch.[/color] "Oof! Alright alright. It's noon? why are you up so early." [color=00aeef]She rubbed her face and stretched.[/color] [i]Where should we go to eat? [/i]"hmmm I think the Mochavine is open. I could use some sugar after last night." [color=00aeef]As she stretched out on the floor Kame went over the list again. Food, shopping, cooking, cleaning cookies...and moving. [/color]

	"So what's wrong? It's not like you have a dream where you went to work naked right?" Come[color=00aeef]She headed over the the bathroom and to the cluttered sink. Wow, your a mess. She said to herself, her hair was everywhere and her dress was a wrinkled and everywhere. Kameyo straightened up her pigtails and brushed them out. Then she picked up a pile of clothes and got a load started. She shook her head after washing her face. [/color] Kam[i]Come on, wake up! We have things to do today! [/i][color=00aeef]Kameyo did the best she could about straightening up her dress. I'll just have to change when I get back to the dorm later.[/color]
	[color=00aeef]She checked her phone, only an e-mail from her uncle. Hmm, best to reply quickly, it isn't very polite to keep people waiting after all. Kameyo told him the good news about the apartment, and her grades were still good, and she was almost ready to publish a new volume. One of the great things about her uncle was how even though he was busy, he had bought  and read everything she had published and was not ashamed in the least. Clicking send she walked over to the kitchen and pulled out two mugs. She turned to Nori grabbing the pot.[/color]"How do you like your coffee?"