Remember how I said I think I might have made a mistake earlier? I worked it out. I didn't post my character in the OOC first. Backtrack, backtrack, mollify, mollify! [hider=Sorry about this] [center] [h1][color=#2dbdfc][b][u]Lucifer Palaiologos[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Lucifer Palaiologos [b]Nickname: [/b] Aquilla Dios - Eagle of God [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]School Year:[/b] First [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Scrawny, lithe and short, with big blue eyes and short dark hair. His skin is incredibly pale, despite living in the Middle-East for so long. Facially, he is delicate and pretty, almost feminine and his body is lissom and thin. [b]Nationality:[/b] Unknown - He claims he is from Syria, but has a Greek surname and is physically more reminiscent of a Scandinavian or Brit. [b]Personality: [/b] Lucifer can generally be described as a kind-hearted yet apprehensive young man. He shows many good traits - patience, charity, kindness and diligence. He is soft spoken, slow to anger and quick to forgive. He is gentle and kindhearted, always willing to give the benefit of the doubt to people he doesn't know personally. However, he is also incredibly skittish and cowardly. Loud noises and sudden movement make him jump and he tends to cower if someone acts threatening towards him. Being physically weak, he relies on his sharp mind and fast feet to escape undesirable situations and will only fight as a last resort. Lucifer is burdened by a few... quirks, shall we call them? Most obviously is his crushing fear of the female gender. Having grown up his whole life with incredibly limited experience of girls, it is difficult for him to break the habit of flinching every time one addresses him, or preparing for the worst if one reaches out to hug him. That said, he doesn't like physical contact much from men either - the only difference being if a boy was to try and hug him, he'd shy away whereas if a girl was to hug him, he would be frozen like a rabbit in headlights. He doesn't like getting wet either, though he is a strong swimmer - presumably because he wants to get out of the water as soon as possible. He is also remarkably tolerant of other people's antics. Long after the point that any normal person would have left the whackjob who gets aroused by burning people or the adorable little girl who tortures people into becoming her brother, you will find Lucifer rolling his eyes, facepalming and moving on as if nothing happened. When it comes to romance, Lucifer has never considered homosexuality or bisexuality - he is only interested in girls. However, he has yet to be involved in a romantic relationship. [b]Bio:[/b] Little is known of Lucifer's early childhood. The earliest records show him living in Syria at eight, but he was already named and was not living with his biological family. His accent had been tinged with the Syrian tone but hadn't adopted it fully, and although he spoke Arabic fluently, he also knew Hebrew and Greek. His physical appearance suggested he was from North-West Europe, but he was adamant he was Syrian. At this young age, Lucifer was already training to become an Assassin. He was living in a camp amongst other boys, training to become a Fedayeen - an assassin that goes on suicide missions and is not expected to return. There were no parent figures amongst the Fedayeen and one was treated purely on their skills as an assassin. Lucifer showed a remarkable aptitude to the harsh Fedayeen training, performing well above the average level. However, he was at ends with his instructors in two ways - one, he did not want to die and thus put just as much effort into escape as attack. Two, the Fedayeen traced their roots all the way back to the original Hashashin and were thus expected to be of the Shia branch of Islam. Lucifer followed the Lutheran way of teaching, which only confused his origins more. However, as he pointed out, this meant he wasn't bound by the same restrictions as the other Fedayeen and could spend more time training and practicing. At twelve, Lucifer's organisation was attacked. Most of the other boys his age were either captured or killed, though all went down fighting. Only Lucifer, the one who spent time learning to escape, was able to fight his way out, alongside some of the older Assassins. But without their base of operations, they had to scatter. The Fedayeen were mostly Arabs so they fled to Saudi Arabia. However, Lucifer struggled to fit in to life outside the Fedayeen, despite still keeping close to his brothers-in-arms and was often called out for his lack of knowledge in the culture. Eventually, one of his fellow Assassins decided to send him to a less strict country, but one where he could still train as an assassin. First was Russia, as a potential Mafiya man. However, his morals got in the way and he found it up unsuitable. Next was China, as a 'problem solver' for a member of the government. He found his employer to be cruel and unscrupulous, often calling hits on people who really weren't in his way. From China, he was sent to Japan to live with an ex-Fedayeen. His only problem this time was the old Assassin's grand-daughter, a girl not much older than Lucifer, who prominently claimed the boy as if he were a pet. This was perhaps more fortunate than Lucifer made it out to be. She doted on the pretty, shy, funny-dressing foreigner and dragged him around everywhere. He was introduced to her friends, who also fawned over him and taught him both the language and the culture of Japan. He was still given training by the old Assassin, but in his spare time he was either with the girl or consolidating what he had learned. On his 15th birthday, the old man gave Lucifer some news - the boy was old enough to join a prestigious school for assassins, which was comparable to the Fedayeen for training. With a fond slap on the bum, Lucifer was shipped off to Riddle Academy to finish his training and finally become a true Fedayeen. [b]Weapon:[/b] Close combat, he uses a Khanjar dagger. At a range, he uses sharpened fragments of metal as throwing knifes [b]Equipment:[/b] Smoke bomb - A detonate-on-impact smoke grenade that obscures the area of effect in thick white smoke [b]Skills:[/b] Lightweight - Lucifer is physically lighter than most people. As such, he moves quietly, doesn't get hurt as badly from falling long distances and can walk along weak structures Agility - Lucifer is quick and nimble, can run swiftly, climb buildings with relative ease and can jump out the way of slower attacks. Ambidextrous - Lucifer is comfortable using either his left or his right hand. Heart of Resolution - Lucifer has near endless stamina and is able to recover quickly on the few occasions he does run out of breath. Languages - Lucifer is fluent in Hebrew, Arabic, Greek, English and Japanese [/center] [/hider]